Weekly archive
January 15 - January 21, 2006

Saturday, Jan. 21
Eric Lynxwiler and I are supposed to be in a segment of Channel 7's Eye on L.A. today at 6:30 pm. Hard to tell what they will use. They shot...
Reader T. J. Sullivan emailed this photo from Westwood Boulevard. If you can't read the sign, the Rhino Records extinction sale is this weekend. Chris Morris had an appreciation in...
I had a book talk and signing Thursday evening at the Los Feliz library, so I departed lovely Mar Vista early to beat the crush. To be more precise, I...
Friday, Jan. 20
Larry Davis, one of the L.A. Times' top photographers until he left on a buyout in 1995, killed himself in Seattle yesterday. His wife had died of cancer two years...
Remember when a Los Angeles police detective got caught withholding evidence about some rogue officers' possible role in the murder of Notorious B.I.G.? On Friday a federal judge ordered the...
Times coverage of the Civic Center figures to pick up in February. Editors today posted the lineup for the newly re-created unit that will cover local government and politics, and...
You can end the week with a Wall Street Journal look at Dave Dreier, a thousand Valleyites out of work, possible trouble for Ron Deaton at DWP, a new Times...
Thursday, Jan. 19
826LA, the Venice writing and tutoring center where Mayor Villaraigosa pitched in as a guest editor, has cooked up a new program with the Lakers to help high school students...
The LA Weekly website redesign I mentioned this morning is currently down; the old design is back up in its place, with last week's stories. They are working on the...
Osama bin Laden has aired a new threat against the U.S. on Al-Jazeera, and while it doesn't mention Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa has issued a reassuring statement anyway. I have...
The mayor draws a crowd in Sherman Oaks, the UCLA controversy, bunch of reporter moves at the Times and Long Beach cops still can't find their shotguns...that and much more...
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Are the Bible citations tucked away on the packaging of In-N-Out burgers, fries and shakes "the most identifying feature" of the chain? Not to me, but the blogger at Lifelike...
The attempt by a conservative website to out and possibly intimidate UCLA professors who espouse political views has media legs, at least today. Shawn Steel, the former California Republican Party...
The Guardian wasn't the only U.K. paper to staff the execution of Clarence Ray Allen. The Telegraph also took a story from its Los Angeles correspondent, Catherine Elsworth, who juggled...
Councilman Bernard Parks didn't care for the Times' weekend story on the surplus city land in his district that he wants to sell to a developer, three years after the...
Theater writer Don Shirley took the L.A. Times buyout and will debut a new column next week in CityBeat and ValleyBeat. "I'm excited about opening a new arena for local...
Here's a letter to the editor in the latest Fortune magazine, posted on the website Online News Squared: Could Craigslist turn newspaper classifieds to ashes? If it does, the fault...
Completing the David Lauter transaction from yesterday, the Times announced today that Steve Clow will move from Sports to be the deputy California editor. Memo covering both moves follows:...
Steve Grace is retiring as president of Channel 36, the citywide educational access channel, and is being succeeded by new general manager Carla Carlini. She is the the News Manager...
City Controller Laura Chick is profiled on tonight's Life & Times on KCET at 6:30. Longtime LAT pop music editor and critic Robert Hilburn, who is stepping down this month,...
Gawker has the news that the Golden Groundhog award will honor the best underground movie of 2005, chosen from among "genuinely outstanding films from the previous year that lacked the...
In the morning news rodeo, op-ed newcomer Erin Aubry Kaplan dumps on Herb Wesson, what the Golden Globes could do to slow immigration, why you won't see many A380's at...
Tuesday, Jan. 17
A right-wing activist has founded something called the Bruin Alumni Association and published a list of 31 UCLA professors he claims are "radical" for talking about President Bush, the Republican...
Marjorie Miller, the L.A. Times editor in charge of the foreign staff, announced a new deputy this afternoon. It's David Lauter, confirming the speculation we heard last week. Miller's memo...
LAist's Carolyn Kellogg extends kudos to whoever made Bill Cosby appear in the BloodRayne billboard on Fletcher Drive....
The Colin Campbell Network blog has some details: According to sources close to the production, a team of ESPN executives from the East Coast informed the staff of ESPN Hollywood...
A Times staffer emails that at yesterday's goodbye affair for features-floor editor John Scheibe, the golf-themed message on his cake referred to tea time instead of "tee time." Three's a...
My choice is Defamer. The scene, the parties and the gossip viewed from slightly askew. They also anoint Isaac Mizrahi as the new king of red carpet dish. I didn't...
Alan Poster gets his 1968 Corvette back today in Carson—almost thirty-seven years after it was stolen in New York City. The car he bought was blue, but it's now silver...
After 47 years and thousands of bylines, retiring Times staff writer Eric Malnic sent the following email to his Metro colleagues and left the Spring Street newsroom to a standing...
Smelly beaches in the South Bay, no new Wal-Mart in the Valley, horny females on Channel 2 and the winners of the Golden Globes—plus where Alex Padilla will eat breakfast...
Monday, Jan. 16
A "large metro paper located on the West Coast" has retained the headhunting firm Black Leopard to find an editorial writer who fits certain criteria. From the posting on JournalismJobs.com:...
Michael Schneider went by the Ambassador Hotel site this afternoon and found a bunch of photographers gathered for the last rites. He'll be posting his pictures later, but he threw...
Sunday's Las Vegas Sun announced a bunch of senior hires with connections to the L.A. Times. I told you last week about Drex Heikes, who comes in as deputy managing...
Solomon Moore goes back to Iraq, this time assigned to the bureau (instead of just visiting.) Memo from foreign editor Marjorie Miller after the jump....
The House that Jack Kent Cooke Built might be no more, air rights are hot again downtown (and so is Richard Meruelo), Tad Friend expounds on Los Angeles car chases...plus...
Last week's post about the Pasadena Weekly story by former Reader writer Nigey Lennon prompted some unusually detailed responses. One email picked up on Lennon's statement that she couldn't get...
Sunday, Jan. 15
⇒ Port commission chief S. David Freeman is profiled by Deborah Schoch in the Times: "Freeman, the brash and innovative former head of the city's Department of Water and Power,...
Susan Kitchens at 2020 Hindsight stayed up through the night to post about the return of the comet-exploring spacecraft Stardust: "Look, I can understand all this middle-of-the-night stuff when Mars...
This is all that was left of the Ambassador Hotel on January 11, as seen from Wilshire Boulevard courtesy of The Ambassador's Last Stand. (Remark from someone watching over my...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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