Weekly archive
January 8 - January 14, 2006

Saturday, Jan. 14
The Dutton's in North Hollywood is in the midst of a clearance sale and will be gone by mid-March, Davis Dutton tells Daily News columnist Dennis McCarthy. Davis and his...
Updated all weekend, with the newest at the bottom: ⇒ KCRW music host Chris Douridas is free on $1 million bail after being arrested Jan. 6 on suspicion that he...
Friday, Jan. 13
The U.S. Marshal's Fugitive Task Force here picked up Lloyd Rhodes last evening at a hotel in Norwalk. He was recently featured on "America's Most Wanted" as a suspect in...
Council president Eric Garcetti released his new committee assignments this afternoon. They follow after the jump. Included are new chairs for the Housing, Community and Economic Development committee (it used...
Miriam Pawel, the reporter on this week's L.A. Times' series on the United Farm Workers union, will be on KPFK's Deadline L.A. Saturday at noon at 90.7 FM. Barbara Osborn...
While I may seem to pile on the Times for taking a boosterish approach to awards shows in its hunger to attract new readers and website visitors, The Envelope is...
Saving the convention center (really Staples Center) hotel and the mountain yellow-legged frog, photo op of the day, missing shotguns at the Long Beach PD and a sell-out for the...
That's a USC cheerleader shaking the pom-poms for a Texas score during last week's Rose Bowl. Gloating UCLA fans are letting her have it in a forum being monitored by...
Thursday, Jan. 12
This year's Los Angeles Times Book Festival at UCLA will be April 29-30—no repeat of last year's awkward overlap with Passover, which cost the festival some authors and probably some...
Today's LA Weekly cover story by Paul Cullum reconstructs what happened near Wilshire and Bundy in 2001 when screenwriter Eric Red plowed his Jeep Cherokee into a stopped Honda, careened...
⇒ Marc Cooper claims in the new LA Weekly that the Times' series on the United Farm Workers union was "directly inspired by � if not in great part derived...
Tonight is the gala premiere for Billy Crystal's one-man show 700 Sundays at the Wilshire Theatre in Beverly Hills. But a Hollywood source emails that Crystal cancelled last night's final...
LA Observed reported earlier that Amy Tan is the new literary editor of the Times' revamped Sunday magazine, which will launch as West on Feb. 5. We also told you...
Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush just announced that he will leave USC to accept the riches the National Football League would like to throw at him. Most likely stop in...
Interesting piece on local alt-weekly lore in today's Pasadena Weekly. Nigey Lennon, who spent a decade writing for the old L.A. Reader along with her ex-husband Lionel Rolfe, writes that...
In today's morning roundup: Anthony Pellicano has a fool for a client, the City Council returns to life, counting the homeless, and saving the Convention Center hotel—plus Bert Blyleven moves...
Wednesday, Jan. 11
CBS2 anchor Kent Shocknek blogs a little something on the station website almost every day. Earlier this week he had some fun with the governor's motorcycle accident. It's usually light...
Chris Ayres, Los Angeles correspondent for the Times of London, returned from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and wrote a piece harshing on the fake image and the...
From AP via NBC4: BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Just over 7 percent of American workers drink during the workday -- mostly at lunch -- and even more, 9 percent, have nursed...
Took a copy of the The Argonaut to lunch today and learned something that I guess makes sense, but still surprised me. In the 1930s there were active gray whale...
One of the top four news stories featured in the upper slot at LATimes.com this afternoon isn't news or even from the Times. When you click the link, up pops...
On Thursday at 6:30 pm, author Donald H. Wolfe will talk about his new book, The Black Dahlia Files: The Mob, the Mogul, and the Murder That Transfixed Los Angeles,...
Two LAPD officers from the Mission station were hurt last night when their car crashed into a tree at Sherman Way and Hayvenhurst during a high-speed chase. A freelance photog...
Another Pellicano case guilty plea, Arnold's illegal problem, Patterico and Hiltzik go mainstream, DA Cooley wants to reform three strikes—plus the end of the UFW series, Michael Eisner, Mack Reed,...
Los Angeles under siege is a timeless Hollywood conceit. In Wednesday's New York Times, Chris Gorak's first film Right at Your Door, starring Rory Cochrane and Mary McCormack, is summarized...
Tuesday, Jan. 10
The Times' Chatsworth plant printed its final edition over the weekend. Someone posted a farewell slide show of the plant in operation and in shutdown mode. I still wonder what's...
Former Channel 5 pilot/traffic reporter Desiree Horton lives in Chatsworth and has a blog: The Adventures of Chopper Chick! She posts about flying on traffic reports and car chases for...
The Times series on the United Farm Workers, a potent force in L.A. politics for decades, is certainly a talker. Three of the top four most-emailed stories at LATimes.com right...
Patt Morrison, appearing at the Huffington Post in her role as the "First Mlle. of Millinery," cuts to the chase on the Jack Abramoff affair: What is with those hats?...
The lede in today's Daily Journal, by staff writer John Hanusz: For months, the Los Angeles legal community has nervously awaited word of indictments arising from the federal wiretapping probe...
A reader emails an internal memo sent this morning by David G. Hall, head of the Infinity AM stations in Los Angeles: "After 45 years in this business, starting at...
It's true what they say in the journalism biz about news being anything that happens to or near an editor. I happened to be driving in Northridge yesterday when the...
The UFW urges emails to the editor of the L.A. Times, Chick and Romer cozy up, one less obstacle for New Times and a stalwart of the Los Angeles Rams...
Monday, Jan. 9
Janko Roettgers, an L.A. based reporter for Austrian radio, came over a few weeks ago to interview me about LA Observed and being a journalist who blogs. His piece aired...
Turn the page for the fill-in on Gov. Schwarzenegger's fat lip, the latest on the Times' UFW investigation, Eric Garcetti week at the city council, Sheriff Baca's defense of Compton,...
Sunday, Jan. 8
The Times on Sunday began a hard-edged four-part series on the United Farm Workers union after Cesar Chavez under the label "UFW: A Broken Contract." The nut grafs for the...
In Sunday's LAT Magazine, Mark Kendall tells the story of one of the city's lesser-known historic locales. The house (in what's now called Historic Filipinotown) is where the Pentecostal movement...
Gail Goldberg was the city planner of San Diego. Her hiring by Mayor Villaraigosa to run the show in Los Angeles was disclosed Saturday and will be formally announced Monday....
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LA Biz Observed
2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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