A reader writes:
I just called to cancel my subscription to the Times – except for Sundays. And if the new TV Guide, which I get for $13 a year, were halfway decent, I’d cancel Sundays as well. Hannah at the Times asked me why I was canceling and I simply said, “Robert Scheer.” She said she would tell management. (Uh-huh. I’m sure my name will strike terror in their hearts.)She then told me she could offer me the Sunday paper for $1.25 per week. I said it was advertised on the radio for $1 a week. She said she didn’t have that offer but would check with her supervisor. She then came back and said they didn’t have the $1 offer but she could offer me Sunday or a 3-day weekend (Fri-Sat-Sun), my choice, for .75 a week, that the Sunday paper included the 3-day weekend. Also, since my current bill had been paid, my subscription would now be paid through July 2006, the 75-cent rate is good for one year, and I could call back in October to have it extended at the same rate.
Since it was no more money, I took the 3 days, just for the crossword puzzle and comics (most of which are available online, anyway).
Another reader who was read the "Scheer script" emails:
I called the LATimes subscription office and complained about the Opinion Editor's "ageist" reason for dropping Robert Scheer's column. She offered me for the lower promotional rate, currently $104, she says, but I got $99. The gal told me all one has to do is call in and ask for the promotional rate. Wish I had done so earlier.
Also, someone sent along the "Dear Reader" letter that comes back from Publisher Jeffrey M. Johnson in reply to complaints about Scheer's column being dropped. It reads in part:
For the past 12 years, Bob’s passion and eloquence have enriched the opinion pages of The Times where he previously worked as a reporter. We are grateful for his contributions. However, we are very excited about our new roster of columnists, who are described in more detail in the attached link.