
First thing Thursday, 10/13

 ♦ Robert Iger and Steve Jobs make nice, and will start making ABC shows available on the new video Ipod.
 ♦ Add a new pro to the ranks of local bloggers about politics. Andre Pineda, the pollster for Bob Hertzberg's mayoral campaign, has begun posting on the website of his consulting firm. Pineda's wife is Mayer, Brown associate Araceli R. Ruano.
 ♦ Other new websites on the roll: Zero Degrees Art, a collection of L.A. artists, and journalist Corey Levitan.
 ♦ John Kerry is in town and will endorse the No on 75 campaign today at a 12:30 pm event at fire station #3 downtown. Also, Hillary Clinton is raising money in Hollywood this week, reports Gabriel Snyder in Variety via Cinemocracy. The stops include a $500 per head dinner Friday night at the home of Rob and Michele Reiner.
 ♦ The LAT ferrets out at least one death of somebody who didn't get a liver when St. Vincent's bumped a Saudi national up to the front of the transplant line.
 ♦ Mayor Villaraigosa supports Measure Y, the $3.9 billion school bond on the November ballot. If passed it would be the fourth time since 1997 that L.A. voters raised property taxes to build more schools.
 ♦ Neighborhood councils in the news: In Sylmar one board member is suing the others claiming race discrimination, and in Chatsworth a private school is running six of its employees on a slate.
 ♦ Down in Orange County, the OC Weekly reports on what the sheriff is doing to head off talk that he's a serial adulterer (with friends who keep getting indicted.)
 ♦ Natalie Nichols asks of herself in CityBeat's Subbacultcha column: "How can I be in favor of gay marriage when I’m not even in favor of marriage?"
 ♦ Gordon Davidson, who recently yielded his post at Center Theater Group, remembers playwright August Wilson in the LA Weekly. Also, Greg Critser reviews Kevin Starr's one-volume California: A History.
 ♦ Eugene Vier, a former copy editor at the Daily News and Times who may have inspired TV's Columbo character, died at age 80.
 ♦ Writers Guild pioneer Devery Freeman died at 92.

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Standing up to Harvey Weinstein
The Media
LA Times gets a top editor with nothing but questions
LA Observed Notes: Harvey Weinstein stripped bare
LA Observed Notes: Photos of the homeless, photos that found homes
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Previous story: Pretty in pink

Next story: Reactions in priest abuse case


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