The city's Planning Department is "an agency caught in a time warp of past practices, old procedures, and outdated technology," Controller Laura Chick said in releasing her office's review of the department. "Of the over 90 audits conducted since I became Controller, there is not a more striking example of an organization stuck in the past than this one. If Los Angeles, the second largest city in America, is truly going to embrace the 21st Century and become the state of the art, cutting edge leader it can and should be, the Planning Department must move dramatically forward." In theory the audit will soon be up on Chick's website.
Just in time: The Urban Land Institute is gathering this week at the Convention Center, bringing about 5,000 planners, architects, urbanists and builders to town. Magic Johnson will wear his developer hat as one of the keynote speakers. Last time they met in Los Angeles was thirteen years ago.