Business page columnist Michael Hiltzik will be the next Times staffer to start blogging. Golden State is already up on the paper's website, leading with an entry on publisher Michael Viner tapping defrocked NYT fabulist Jayson Blair to spin out a novel-for-hire for the drug lobbying group PhRMA. Hiltzik's blog will carry his Monday and Thursday columns from the printed paper, as well as his opinions about whatever moves him. Comments will be enabled and unmoderated (at least they think so.) He caught the bug doing a guest stint for Kevin Drum at the Washington Monthly's Political Animal back in July.
There's no one-stop link promoted at for all of the site's blogs, but to recap the ones I can remember: there's the Supreme Court blog (currently in a frenzy over Harriett Miers withdrawing her nomination), the new travel and Lakers blogs, the travel writer blogs from Paris and a sea cruise, and others that have come and gone.
* Fixed: Viner's name, which I got wrong. Friday 11:45 am