Weekly archive
October 16 - October 22, 2005

Saturday, Oct. 22
That wave that rolled across the Westside at 1:18 pm. was a quake centered four miles west-northwest of Santa Monica. Preliminary magnitude: 3.1. It was short and jolting here, over...
Friday morning's traffic jam caused by President Bush's stay-over at Bradford Freeman's $10 million mansion in Brentwood was even worse than the night before. Today's Daily News banners a story...
Friday, Oct. 21
Daniel A. Olivas at The Elegant Variation reviews the new release of Chicano, thirty-five years after the landmark book by L.A. journalist Richard Vasquez first made it into print. Rubén...
♦ The L.A. Times' Robin Abcarian compares Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' talent at "sucking up" to the archetypical insincerity of Eddie Haskell, the teenage brown-noser in "Leave it to Beaver"...
Thursday, Oct. 20
President Bush has arrived at LAX and is heading toward Beverly Hills by helicopter. Once he lands, traffic officials are expecting a rough time in the area around UCLA during...
Dr. David Lee and his Korean-American partners in Jamison Properties are the biggest owners of commercial real estate in Los Angeles County. They control seventy office buildings, thirteen medical buildings...
Supposed to be mostly sunny and in the 70s today... ♦ In his final regular column on the op-ed page, Times opinion editor Andrés Martinez proclaims "Lost" "probably the best TV...
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Robert Greene opens his LA Weekly analysis of the current 14th council district campaign with a little history. He describes a 2003 rally where newly minted school board member Jose...
The LA Weekly has embraced Fashion Week in a big way. On the website there's a busy blog of items from the shows and parties by Linda Immediato, Caroline Ryder,...
Actor and director Joan Chen tells Filmstew.com that her on-screen career stalled after The Last Emperor "because people don't know how to write for me, that's just the way it...
KPCC's Larry Mantle aired an interview this morning on "Airtalk" with Basam al-Hussaini, an Iraqi-American from San Dimas who confronted Saddam Hussein during a break at the first day of...
During his campaign for mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa tried not to remind voters too often of his past leadership of the ACLU of Southern California. (Jim Hahn, conversely, pointed it out...
As several readers have pointed out in email, I missed this For the Record in the L.A. Times: B.B. King — A profile of B.B. King in the Oct. 9...
Just hours after I posted below about the OC Register's Lakers blog, the Times sends a news release about the launch of a blog following the team on LATimes.com. From...
♦ City Hall lobbyists now have to disclose online their clients, the issues they advocated and how much they got paid every three months. Daily News ♦ Hollywood waits and worries over...
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Forget those rumors about LAT Assistant Managing Editor John Arthur taking over the Times sports department when Bill Dwyre retires. Arthur was named today to be the Page One editor....
The Movieland Wax Museum opened in Buena Park 43 years ago. Can't say I've ever been there, and now I never will. One of the more obscure Southern California cultural...
Managing Editor Tony Palazzo is leaving the Los Angeles Business Journal for an editing job in the L.A. bureau of Bloomberg News. And the new media reporter is Anne Riley-Katz,...
At yesterday's airport commission meeting, the Breeze reports, new executive director Lydia Kennard said she was negotiating with The RAND Corporation about how to implement the think tank's anti-terrorism recommendations...
Gore Vidal, the Valley and more Skid Row... ♦ Could it be FashionWeek in L.A. again so soon? My time does fly. ClothesHoarse has all the action. ♦ Groundbreaking is at 10:15...
Monday, Oct. 17
USC has in its archives some precious copies of a noteworthy Spanish-language newspaper in Yankee Los Angeles. El Clamor Público began publishing in 1855, five years after California became a...
Trying to get more distance from the corruption stench that blew out of LAX and enveloped the Hahn administration, Mayor Villaraigosa's airport commission today created an Office of Ethics and...
Just took a look at my server logs and was surprised to see that the second most-popular search engine term for October is "Miranda McOsker." She is the 15-year-old Bishop...
This Halloween you won't see many (if any) of the Union 76 balls decorated as jack-o'-lanterns. Franklin Avenue has been keeping tabs on the balls' disappearance from the L.A....
A correspondent who reads the City Council files closer than I do sends paper from last week showing that Mayor Villaraigosa has withdrawn last month's appointment of architect Mark Rios...
Start the week off with a few observettes... ♦ At 9 am Mayor Villaraigosa will announce he has settled a dispute between the Bonaventure Hotel and the proposed convention center hotel...
Friday's abrupt departure of longtime LATimes.com editor Richard Core was not the only involuntary separation that day. At least a handful of newsroom staffers were let go, apparently as part...
Sunday, Oct. 16
Over the last three decades or so, countless Times writers (or so it has seemed) have found their reporting muse or their social conscience writing about Skid Row. In journalism...
The lede of a front-pager in this week's L.A. Business Journal calls Adelphia "the cable company that can do no right." The Deborah Crowe story was inspired by the much-chronicled...
♦ Variety is ending the VLife experiment. Last issue is Feb. 1. I believe Mike at FishbowlLA was first up with the news. ♦ Daily Breeze music writer Corey Levitan announced that...
I have no idea, but a new college football website in town says Matt Leinart's last-seconds touchdown dive to beat Notre Dame on Saturday should not have counted. The Wizard...
Happy news for the Angel City Press clan. Santa Monica Beach: A Collector's Pictorial History by Ernest Marquez won the Southern California Booksellers Association award for nonfiction on Saturday...
About the same time her first-person account of testifying in the the Valerie Plame affair appeared Saturday on the New York Times website, along with a long takeout by the...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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