Weekly archive
September 18 - September 24, 2005

Saturday, Sep. 24
Pink's, the famous hot dog stand on La Brea near Melrose, has added the Patt Morrison Baja Veggie Dog to the menu. Gloria Pink sends word that the Times columnist,...
Friday, Sep. 23
For the second time this week, a Hollywood guild elected a new president who is expected to take a harder line in union negotiations. Alan Rosenberg won the leadership of...
This is posted on the website at KJAZZ, the station at Long Beach State (88.1 FM): "We at KJAZZ were informed at noon on Friday, September 23, of the passing...
Light day on the blog. I'll be at USC judging the Online News Association awards for this year.  ♦ I know a true con man never stops conning, but this is...
Thursday, Sep. 22
We don't get the aurora borealis or even much lightning, but satellite launches from Vandenberg are pretty cool (as mentioned earlier today.) This was a Minotaur rocket fired over the...
The Southern California Earthquake Data Center has detected eight minor quakes of magnitude 3.1 or higher so far this afternoon in the Wheeler Ridge area near the Grapevine on the...
Today's CityBeat says the Animal Liberation Front is taking credit for smoke-bombing the Bunker Hill Towers downtown as part of its campaign against Gordon Stuckey, general manager of the city's...
Joe Scott blogs today about the Warren Beatty-for-governor rumors, which are being fed by the actor's political speeches around the state. Beatty told ABC last week that he won't rule...
Susan Kitchens alerts her blog readers that Vandenberg Air Force Base will launch the last of the Titan solid fuel rockets just after sunset this evening. [* She has changed...
Andrés Martinez, the Times' Mexican-born editorial page editor, writes today on the op-ed page that his eleven-month-old son's babysitter was upbraided by a customer for speaking Spanish to the child...
Let's hope L.A. smells better today...  ♦ Today's LA Weekly declares war on air pollution with a thirty-page special package that looks closely at the threat posed by ultrafine particles and...
Wednesday, Sep. 21
Bearing down on the Gulf Coast of Texas, Rita may be the third most intense Atlantic hurricane ever recorded....
What a landing! Flight 292 is safely down. The pilot kept the plane in perfect control — so perfect that the nose stem left where the tires burned off came...
Mickey Kaus still can't get the LAT to let him de-subscribe...Anthony York at the Capitol Weekly, and The Roundup, report on Gov. Schwarzenegger excluding the Times from a series of...
Robert Parry, who is serving with the Army in Iraq, has been following the stench comments and offers to solve the mystery: Hey Kevin... I think I know what that...
New LAT books editor David L. Ulin sits for the Three Minute Interview at The Elegant Variation, the site by Mark Sarvas that regularly panned the Times Book Review under...
Elizabeth Spiers, editor in chief of mediabistro, emails that Claude Brodesser will not be starting a new blog for them. She says Brodesser will begin guest-blogging about film and entertainment...
More readers are reporting in that they too detected the bad smell wafting through the Westside. Author Deanne Stillman writes that it was all over Venice and Marina del Rey...
Happy Wednesday...  ♦ DWP workers got the big raises they were demanding: up to 28% over five years. The Council voted 10-3 to go along. DN, LAT  ♦ Bill Burke withdraws from...
Tuesday, Sep. 20
The first email this morning I ignored, figuring the moment would pass: Here's a scoop for you: the entire city of Beverly Hills smells like garbage this morning. My house,...
Mixed-media artist Lisa Salem, who began walking Los Angeles streets in May with a digital video camera attached to a baby stroller, has found a good home for her art....
Members of the Writers Guild of America/west threw out the old and voted in the entire "Writers United" slate of new board members, plus new president Patric M. Verrone. Turnout...
Times sports columnist-wiseguy T.J. Simers cracked off some arch lines in today's piece on the Giants' Barry Bonds possibly switching to the Dodgers next season. Simers observed, for instance, that...
Southwestern Law School is training students tomorrow to provide legal emergency services to Hurricane Katrina victims who find themselves in Los Angeles. Students from Southwestern and other law schools will...
Mayor Villaraigosa is planning a trade trip to Japan, China and South Korea in January, the Korea Times says. His traveling partners will be closely observed. It was on Jim...
If you're in L.A. you already know this, but for the travelers and ex-pats out there: it's raining and thundering in Los Angeles today. Did so all night long, a...
A sampling of starters for the day...  ♦ Simon Wiesenthal died in Vienna at age 96, the center on Pico Boulevard announced. Standing ovations in every temple in L.A. on Friday...
Monday, Sep. 19
Mayor Villaraigosa today named his members of the Community Redevelopment Agency board. He kept on labor activist Madeline Janis-Aparicio and added John Perez from labor, community activist Brenda Shockley, architect...
The Business, which airs in about thirty minutes from now on KCRW (every Monday at 2:30 pm), is going national. It will be sent to affiliates of National Public Radio...
Marc Haefele's cover profile of Controller Laura Chick in the current L.A. Alternative Press ("Control Freak") explains why reporters love Chick and her audits of city departments: She hands them...
Some items from the last week of L.A. Observed... Kinsley gets the last word, via well-timed emailPlus: Andrés Martinez vows to pay more attention to L.A., and Kinsley viewed through...
You didn't really think I was going to let the mayor get up on a horse without taking photographic note of the occasion, did you? Antonio Villaraigosa rode an LAPD...
Mickey Kaus found that trying to cancel an L.A. Times subscription is harder than it sounds. He also posts the kind of anecdote that should ruin the morning oatmeal of...
♦ In today's New York Times, Dennis McDougal reports that the Writers Guild is sitting on millions of dollars owed to writers it can't find—no-names like Tom Clancy, Mira Nair and...
Just when inhabitants of the Valley were getting used to enjoying the fourteen-mile-long commuter short cut, bike route and skate path known officially as the Orange Line busway, The...
Sunday, Sep. 18
"The Los Angeles Lunar Society advocates the secession of Venice from the city of Los Angeles, and does not preclude the use of revolution to achieve this end. However, many...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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