Weekly archive
September 11 - September 17, 2005

Saturday, Sep. 17
Later items are added at the bottom... • The Times takes a look at the all the traffic tunnel schemes being contemplated for Southern California. Some people still don't like to...
Kudos to James Rainey, the LAT's media reporter—and a kick in the ass for me. Two weeks after I let the Tribune's spokesman blow off my inquiry, and a week...
Friday, Sep. 16
While Michael Kinsley had fans inside the Times, he also created a legion of detractors. Reassigning half the editorial writers to new jobs, and piling work on those who remain,...
Mayor Villaraigosa today named Mark Winogrond to be the city's interim planning director. Here's an interview with him in The Planning Report last year and the transcript of a roundtable...
Question: Who did VLIfe put on its cover, following Jennifer Connelly and Halle Berry? Remember, they're trying to sell on newsstands these days. The October issue does contain an inspired...
• Mayor Villaraigosa confirms that, yes, his family will be moving to Getty House, at least part-time. A day earlier, he was still being cagey. Next week, one of the...
Thursday, Sep. 15
ESPN will build a $100-million, five-story TV and radio production center—and sports bar and restaurant—across from Staples Center in the L.A. Live development that Phil Anschutz and company are planning....
Russell J. Hammer, president and CEO of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, sent a "message from Rusty" today disclosing he will leave to focus on his "battle against...
Copley News city hall reporter David Zahniser reports in today's Breeze that Mayor Villaraigosa wants to move his family into Getty House after all. The official residence at 6th and...
So you have a new magazine about legal eagles and you want them to read it. What do you do first? How about a special issue proclaiming the 500 best...
Writing under the label of Here and Now, Times media columnist Tim Rutten rants in today's Calendar about traffic and the pointlessness of building our way out of this mess....
• Looks like Gov. Schwarzenegger announces Friday that he will run for reelection, the Times says. Also, La Opinión says its reporter was denied entry to the governor's recent community meeting...
Wednesday, Sep. 14
That's always interesting, whether you agree with him or not. Jeff Weiss of the San Fernando Valley Business Journal sits down this issue for a Q-and-A with the new editor...
The Breeze listened to the 911 calls placed this summer from the home of the Dodgers' Milton Bradley, and it sounds like several times he made the call and asked...
Torrance City Councilman Ted Lieu won the special election to replace the late Mike Gordon in the 53rd assembly district. There would have been a runoff if the Republicans in...
Members of the Elite Search and Rescue Team drove for thirty-six hours then spent two weeks around Biloxi helping Mississippi dig out from Hurricane Katrina. They were greeted yesterday by...
Anyone who drives the upper stretch of Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu knows it's a popular route for bicycle riders, especially on weekends. It's hilly and cool, they can ride...
Andrés Martinez, the new opinion honcho at the L.A. Times, tells the paper's Jim Rainey that he intends to "ratchet up" the presence of pieces on local and state affairs...
Tuesday, Sep. 13
• Michael Kinsley's departure from the LAT rates a bylined story in the New York Times, and to a cynic maybe that alone was good enough reason to give him a...
Michael Kinsley won't be staying on at the L.A. Times as a columnist or anything else. An email he sent staffers this morning disclosed that Publisher Jeffrey Johnson dis-invited Kinsley...
Well they finally caught Reggie this morning—or did they? CNN and AP posted stories this morning that the Monster of Machado Lake was wrestled into custody by the same Colorado...
• Expect an announcement today from Times publisher Jeff Johnson that Michael Kinsley has been formally replaced as Editorial and Opinion Editor. The editorial page, Op-Ed and Current will report to...
Monday, Sep. 12
Nick Madigan, who recently left a contract gig with the New York Times L.A. bureau to become the media reporter for the Baltimore Sun, will join the KCRW afternoon lineup...
Franklin Avenue blogger Michael Schneider used the blackout to drive over to the Ambassador Hotel and pick up his purchase from Saturday's clearance auction. (On the way, he saw an...
On your City Hall press corps lineup card, delete Ryan Oliver from the L.A. Daily Journal. He's going to the criminal courts beat. Add Erin Park, who used to staff...
Much of Los Angeles has been without electricity since just after 1 p.m. (it's now 1:50). The DWP can't yet say what happened. Traffic lights are out in parts of...
Turnover seems to be fairly constant in the small L.A. Business Journal newsroom, by most accounts a challenging place to work. The latest movement involves James Nash, hired out of...
• Remember when tabloid publisher David Pecker claimed his rags didn't go easy on candidate Schwarzenegger just because they were in business together? Turns out he also "didn't" try to hush...
Been to the newsstand lately? The number of magazines trying to attract the eyeballs of Southern Californians with money to spend has swelled. In this week's L.A. Business Journal, James...
In case you missed them, here are some of of the items that achieved blogginess on LA Observed in the last seven days. Return of Calvin and Hobbes explained Dead...
Sunday, Sep. 11
"Good Morning America" today aired a possible al-Qaeda tape on which the terrorist doing the talking says, "Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, Allah willing. And this...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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