Author Frances Dinkelspiel heard new LAT Magazine Editor Rick Wartzman pitch the magazine this week at the Squaw Valley Community of Writers. She blogs the news that Wartzman plans to run fiction pieces and has brought in Amy Tan to be the magazine's fiction editor. She also posts that Wartzman said the magazine will have a strong California voice:
Wartzman is actively soliciting writers to examine all aspects of California -- the mountains, the deserts, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the Central Valley, design, fashion and music. He wants narrative pieces that illuminate what makes California distinct from the rest of the country."I want stories that are provocative, told from the inside out, not the outside in," said Wartzman.
In addition to narrative pieces, Wartzman plans to run short fiction each week. He is looking for 2,500-word pieces that aren’t necessarily about California, but use California as a setting. Memoir is OK, too.
Dinkelspiel is working on a book about pioneer L.A. banker Isaias Hellman, her great-great grandfather.