Weekly archive
August 28 - September 3, 2005

Saturday, Sep. 3
I'll be staying away from the computer much of the weekend. As a reminder, here are just a few of the places where you can can help out the victims...
Friday, Sep. 2
The paper's number two designer, News Design Director Bill Gaspard, told his staff this evening that he has resigned. Newsroom sources emailed that he cited the recent shuffle that stripped...
Blogads is having a server problem that was affecting the way the L.A. Observed page loads. I've taken down the ads until Blogads says the problem is fixed. They will...
   • More former press deputies in the Hahn administration have landed jobs. Elizabeth Kaltman is now the communications director for City Council member Wendy Greuel, and Sahar Moridani is director...
Wikitorials and other changes at the Times editorial page by Michael Kinsley and colleagues are argued from five directions in the new journal of the National Conference of Editorial Writers....
Some appetizers:    • Marc Cooper of the LA Weekly and the Nation will be the guest host on KCRW's Left, Right and Center, today at 2:30 and 7 p.m. It's his...
Thursday, Sep. 1
An update on Celia's blog, 5th and Spring....
One of Mayor Villaraigosa's campaign promises has come due. On September 17, he is booked to go horseback riding through Chatsworth with the local neighborhood council. "The Mayor and...
The political blog Mayor Sam's Sister City is not anonymous any longer. Two of the ring-leaders came out of the closet in a post today, after the Times asked them...
The LAT columnist who desires very badly to work in Hollywood answers questions from A. J. Daulerio at The Black Table. Here's a sample. Q: So, do you think it's...
Newsday, based on Long Island, will offer 45 buyouts and slash its coverage of Manhattan. "The decision to reduce our city staff was wrenching. But the cold, hard truth is...
Money is what's needed: • Red Cross: 1-800-HELP-NOW or www.redcross.org • Salvation Army: 1-800-SAL-ARMY or www.salvationarmyusa.org • AmeriCares • Orgs suggested by FEMA • Blog relief drive • Instapundit links • More LAFD rescuers are headed south....
Welcome to September...    • Seems like every gas station between Hollywood and Santa Monica went to $3-plus a gallon overnight. The 76 station at Olympic and Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills...
Wednesday, Aug. 31
Every week the Southern California Booksellers Association canvasses its member stores to find out what readers are buying. Here are the top fives from today's best-seller lists. HardcoverFictionHardcoverNon-fiction The Historian,...
Colleen Wainwright reports at Blogging.la that an L.A. Times circulation clerk offered her a lower price to take the paper for more days, if only she would not switch to...
Louise Roug, who has been on the L.A. Times' Getty Museum beat, is moving on to cover an institution with less wealth, simpler politics and not as good an art...
I just caught up with the new blog of screenwriter Josh Friedman (War of the Worlds, Black Dahlia), and now I can't get any work done. He calls it I...
Ripped from the headlines at Dateline Hollywood, TV evangelist Pat Robertson has called for another well-known figure who annoys him to be assassinated. That would be Jared the Subway Guy:...
Dodger Thoughts blogger Jon Weisman got up this morning and realized that the Milton Bradley incident nicely summarizes why he quit being a sportswriter at the Daily News and went...
If you've been watching the video from New Orleans and wondering why the city wasn't better prepared, consider this intro to a five-part "special report" in the local newspaper three...
Here's how it works: You send your resume, writing samples, family info and agent status to an anonymous email address. Then you submit to a background check and sign an...
A little morning briefing...    • Brian Cullen, the suspected killer of model Iryna Singerman, was found dead in a Tijuana motel room. Authorities say he killed himself with a bullet to...
Dodger Milton Bradley spoke to the press Tuesday, in a fashion. The team's crisis PR adviser Sitrick an—oops, I mean Bradley—issued a statement through the Dodgers PR office calling the...
Tuesday, Aug. 30
The Los Angeles Fire Department has put water-rescue specialists, inflatable boats and vehicles on military transports to New Orleans, Brian Humphrey says at the LAFD blog. Things there are, in...
Village Voice Media, which owns the LA Weekly among other papers, and New Times are in serious talks about merging to create a new 18-paper chain, the San Francisco Bay...
It's Charles McNulty. He's a senior editor at the Village Voice and teaches at Brooklyn College. He used to work at Variety. The previous theater critic, Michael Phillips, left for...
Police in Redondo Beach have answered three domestic violence calls at Milton Bradley's home this summer, the Daily Breeze reports today. In a July 11 incident, the Dodgers outfielder allegedly...
   • The L.A. Conservancy threw in the towel on the fight to save the Ambassador Hotel from demolition. The school board votes today on a plan to donate $4.9-million toward conserving...
Monday, Aug. 29
I'm told that the Writers Guild of America, West board tonight rescinded its decision to give the group's prestigious Valentine Davies Award to defrocked ex-prez Victoria Riskin. She resigned...
Good lede by Matt Meyerhoff on this week's L.A. Business Journal front-pager about TV huckster Ron Popeil, who is now 70 years old, cashing out of his famous Ronco Corp,...
The reporter noted for her Michael Jackson coverage emailed a fan club that she was dropped by Court TV last week. Here's an excerpt of the message, which is posted...
Nice image from New Orleans on the front of the LAT (at least in the early edition.) It's by Mark Wilson of Getty Images. Houston bureau chief Scott Gold...
   • KCAL and KTTV each won nine local Emmy Awards on Saturday night. Among the top honors, KCBS won for best daytime newscast ("CBS2 News" at 6 a.m.) and best daily...
Sunday, Aug. 28
These were some of the best-read or most emailed-about LAO items from the past week. I might do this every week. Anybody find it useful? L.A.'s most popular car Daily...
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LA Biz Observed
2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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