I guess Mark Lacter of the L.A. Business Journal didn't like the way the LAT publicly demanded a correction yesterday to the LABJ's story on the Times' new RSS service. He issued this response:
It’s interesting how profusely the Los Angeles Times denies that it has any plans to develop a news site with content from other publications, given what’s being promised on the beta version of its NewsPoint service.Here’s the text:
"Compact, fast and easy to use, Los Angeles Times NewsPoint brings together all the news you want to follow on your desktop. Simply click on a headline and the article displays instantly in your preferred web browser.
Stay informed on the topics that matter to you.
Get perspective from other news sources such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and thousands of others.
Even get automatic updates on the latest job, property, and travel offers from the Los Angeles Times."
So let me get this straight – the Times is not using content from other news sources but it offers us a chance to "get perspective from other news sources." Huh?
Seems like the PR department might not be in sync with the new media department.
Mark Lacter
Los Angeles Business Journal
Actually, it seems pretty clear in the Times statement that what they are complaining about is the Business Journal reporting that the LAT is developing a separate website. But you can read the Times' position yourself in the update to yesterday's post, and the original LABJ story here.
* More NewsPoint reaction: Blogger Independent Sources says please no ad clutter...Columnist Paula Parker has seen the beta version and says to expect headlines, summaries—and plenty of ads.