Grandpa Villaraigosa strolled to City Hall between Corina and his granddaughter, with a few thousand of his closest friends right behind. As a couple of people pointed out on the air, there were more Angelenos on the south lawn today than lived in nuestro pueblo the last time there was a Mexican American mayor. It was a good and moving scene over all, but I'm ready for the mayor to get himself a new stump speech. (Here's the printed version as a PDF file.)
Random favorite TV scenes: Al Gore going unacknowledged by many of the Democrats milling on stage before the ceremony...Jim Hahn idling by himself at the podium, eyeing somebody's notes...Channel 11 had Raphael Sonenshein in studio sounding smart, while Channel 5 had Nate Holden sounding like Nate...Channel 2's Mark Coogan calling over Chief Bratton from the head of the procession down Spring Street for a live chat.
City Hall moves fast when it wants: Late last night, Villaraigosa's bio and stuff went up on the official City of Los Angeles website. He also got into the City Hall phone directory, courtesy of Hahn's office manager Bella Cabulong.