Weekly archive
July 10 - July 16, 2005

Friday, Jul. 15
Gov. Schwarzenegger says he'll give up the millions he arranged for just days before taking office. His statement: Statement by Governor SchwarzeneggerRegarding American Media Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today made the...
Late entries are tacked on to the end... • Wonkette Ana Marie Cox comes to town Tuesday to chat at 7 p.m. with Mickey Kaus at the Central Library. It's part...
No surprise, but word out of City Hall is that Larry Frank, staff director at the UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education and a certified Friend of Antonio from...
The L.A. Times' blog on the Supreme Court vacancy has drawn posts from law professors Eugene Volokh of UCLA, Erwin Chemerinsky of Duke, Orin S. Kerr of GW and Douglas...
Looks like labor leader Julie Butcher's car was torched in her front driveway in Highland Park. The head of the Service Employees International Union local at City Hall found her...
Thursday, Jul. 14
Gov. Schwarzenegger's lucrative deal with the fitness magazines makes the front page of Friday's New York Times. Andrew Pollack goes with the $5 million figure, not the $8 million the...
Bobbi Murray does the honors for CityBeat. Ludlow's ascension to executive secretary of the County Federation of Labor is due to be voted on next week, adding some punctuation to...
Reader David Novak noticed that the Du-pars at Farmers Market has been closed a long time—not the sixty days promised last summer when the chain was sold. He feared that...
Joe Edmiston, the only executive director in the 25-year history of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, might be the most powerful unelected official in California, Lewis MacAdams writes in the...
Tomorrow's Times runs a story by media reporter James Rainey on the paper's new ethics guidelines (the ones we reported Wednesday.) The story focuses mainly on how the new rules...
Former Times reporter Michael Krikorian goes deep in today's LA Weekly with two pieces on the bloody breakdown of a gang peace treaty in Watts: "President Bush keeps saying America...
Geez, you try to skate by for a few hours and stuff starts to pile up in the in-box... • Former Burbank mayor and current city councilwoman Stacey Jo Murphy was...
Mayor Villaraigosa today named the police commissioners who will get to clean up the mess from the killing of Jose Raul Peńa and his nineteen-month-old daughter, now identified by the...
Won't be posting anything in the morning on Thursday......
Wednesday, Jul. 13
Times Editor John Carroll distributed new ethics guidelines for the paper last night. They spell out when Times reporters may use unnamed sources (and the pitfalls), restate that staffers may...
Today's L.A. Times fronts two staff stories about the London bombings. See below....
The comedian performed here at the Laugh Factory on Saturday night and was found dead the next morning at a friend's place. He was 35. Soto moved to Los Angeles...
LA Unified Supt. Roy Romer's Friends of L.A. Schools fund raised contributions mostly from construction firms, textbook publishers and other school contractors, the Daily News reports. Romer insists there is...
"Past Sunset" will air from 7 to 9 p.m. on a pilot basis weeknights from July 25 through August 5. David Cruz of NBC4 will be the host. Here's what...
Dave Bullock is posting images and text from a 1906 driving guide to Los Angeles over at LAVoice.org. One of the first pages to be uploaded features the "new" Alexandria...
Tuesday, Jul. 12
Both today and yesterday, an email correspondent has found the LAT's lack of a front page story on the London terrorist bombings off-key. He notes the continuing front-page coverage in...
L.A. Times Editor John Carroll is directing the reporting staff to avoid identifying confidential sources in their written notes and emails on the company computers. The problem is that those...
• Police on Monday revised the facts in that fatal weekend shootout in South L.A. First, it was in Watts. The name of the dead father was changed to Raul Peńa....
Actually it came in Monday afternoon, while I was otherwise occupied. It's an exit email from Edward Headington, leaving as communications director for State Sen. Gil Cedillo to resume his...
Monday, Jul. 11
If you're coming to L.A. this summer, you probably don't want to stay at the new Hollywood Roosevelt....
I'm late to catch on that there is a Los Angeles-based Institute for Figuring, started by author, science writer and PBS host Margaret Wertheim and her sister Christine Wertheim, an...
An LAPD officer was wounded and a gun-wielding father and his toddler daughter died yesterday evening in a shootout with police at 104th Street and Avalon Boulevard. The father apparently...
USA Today does the apparently obligatory feature story to accompany today's launch of its sudoku puzzle—and even spells it wrong in the URL. In the piece, the LAT's Sherry Stern...
Fox News crank Bill O'Reilly apparently is upset now with LAT rock critic Robert Hilburn. According to the conservative website Independent Sources, on his show last Friday O'Reilly bashed Hilburn...
Summer weekends when there is no fog at the beach are no time to be blogging. But here are some items that fought their way out of the pile. • Shots...
Getting hit with surprise audio when I click on web link is always a turnoff for me. It seems amateurish in an AOL kind of way, and disrespects visitors who...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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