
New LABJ columns

L.A. Business Journal editor Mark Lacter gives the details on long-time political reporter Howard Fine's shift onto some new beats. His email also says that next week's issue will add media biz and technology columns.


It’s true that Howard is changing beats. He’ll be covering an amalgam of economic issues, including local development, international trade and the regional economy. Within that framework, there will be plenty of politics to report on, but we’re deemphasizing the “me too” coverage of politics that takes up a lot of time and tends to take us away from our core concentration, which is business and the economy. As for other news, we’re starting up two weekly columns in the July 4 issue: James Nash will have a local media column and Hilary Potkewitz will have a tech column. And I’m restarting my own weekly column in the back of the book.

Fine adds: "I'll still be doing some government coverage, just not as much as I have been." In this week's issue, he checks in on ticket sales for the Villaraigosa inauguration gala, and ethics commissioner Bill Boyarsky notes: "No question giving $25,000 to the new mayor’s favorite charity will get you noticed." Potkewitz has a piece on the return of the Venice Interactive Community, five years after the tech party bubble burst, and David Greenberg interviews Maria Elena Durazo.

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