Weekly archive
June 19 - June 25, 2005

Saturday, Jun. 25
The office of state Assemblyman Mike Gordon announced that he died today from the brain tumor that was diagnosed in February, shortly after he took office. Gordon was from El...
Folks, one of our protectors was killed yesterday doing his job in the city of Hawaiian Gardens. Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy Jerry Ortiz, attached to an anti-gang unit, was...
Friday, Jun. 24
Summertime, and the living is easy. So just shorts today, but check the tail end for updates. • Controller Laura Chick released a highly critical follow-up audit that says overseers of...
Thursday, Jun. 23
John Balzar becomes a senior writer for the weekly Home, Food and Outdoors sections at the Times. Bettijane Levine, the former fashion editor, joins Home. Steven Barrie-Anthony becomes one of...
Hollywood freelancer (for the New York Times and others) Ross Johnson has fallen into the blogging web. And for his first meaty entry at The Ross Files, he names names...
Julius Shulman is rightfully legendary for his architectural photography, but as he slides well into his 90s he's getting more known for his irascibility. I'd heard that at last Saturday's...
Longtime L.A. Times rock critic Robert Hilburn is asked by a reader in today's Calendar Weekend section: "What do you do to protect your hearing at concerts?" Hilburn: I'm not...
The mayor-elect told the Times that cuts are necessary to correct a growing deficit. He declined to get specific, but said "people are going to be surprised" by what he...
They happened Tuesday night on the southbound Harbor Freeway near Adams Blvd. The victims were both wounded, but the driver got off the freeway, got back on northbound, and drove...
If it seemed to you like reaction to the L.A. Times wikitorial split along the lines that often divide those who get the Internet from those who don't have a...
Wednesday, Jun. 22
Nikki Finke says in the LA Weekly that Anita Busch, the former Hollywood Reporter editor and writer for the LAT and NYT who was threatened over pursuing a story on...
Luke Ford reports at his blog that Andrew Breitbart, the West Coast editor for the Drudge Report until he left in April to help launch the Huffington Post, returned to...
Updated with new entries at the bottom... • It's official: the Dodgers' star reliever Eric Gagne is done for this year and the start of next season — at best. He's...
Bob Hertzberg, Eric Garcetti and Bernard Parks all came out Tuesday as supporters of former Speaker Herb Wesson's candidacy for the city council. He wants the 10th district seat soon...
More than 1,300 law enforcement officers raided homes of the Vineland Boyz/Boys starting at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday, serving 43 search warrants in three counties and arresting 23/36 gang members on...
Tuesday, Jun. 21
Several of the personnel moves posted here recently have been Style desk writers on the Times' features floor taking new assignments -- Roy Rivenburg to Orange County, Mimi Avins and...
Long Beach Press-Telegram columnist Doug Krikorian has been doing sports talk on L.A. radio since 1992. On Monday, he got the axe at KSPN (710 AM). His radio partner, Joe...
Lisa Beebe at Blogging.la noticed a Mary Kay cosmetics peddler making sales to passengers on the MTA's 152 bus. When Beebe got on again two hours later to go home,...
I bumped up the main font just a hair. If it bothers you, let me know. By the way, I designed the site so most new browsers can adjust the...
FishbowlLA turns sleuth and checks on the cred of a semi-anonymous trendy mentioned in last Thursday's New York Times Styles section. The trail leads, possibly, to Alexandra Kerry. Fishbowl also...
Retired Times writer-turned-blogger Ken Reich raps his former LAT colleagues on the virtual knuckles for not turning out last night to support a book of columns by the late Frank...
As if freelancers weren't already feeling pensive about the coming remake of the Times Sunday magazine, they now have good reason to expect fewer assignments. Four staff writers are being...
Martin Ludlow's coronation as labor boss of L.A. County hit a snag when some unions refused to go along. Instead of the 10th district city councilman sailing through at a...
Porn photos posted late at night doomed the L.A. Times wikitorial, the New York Times reports Tuesday. Deputy editorial page editor Michael Newman suggests the hardcore stuff came in after...
Monday, Jun. 20
Jim Hahn — I'll have to check, but I believe he is the mayor of Los Angeles — makes a rare public appearance on Saturday in San Pedro. He will...
Mondays are always so busy... • This news won't help the layoff jitters sweeping the LAT's newsrooms this week. Tribune Company stock was downgraded Monday to "neutral" from "buy" by brokerage...
Jim Flanigan's column has been a fixture in the Times Business section for more than two decades. His last piece as senior economic editor runs July 3, then he's leaving...
Well, you knew this was coming. The Times has taken down its first experimental wikitorial, explaining: Unfortunately, we have had to remove this feature, at least temporarily, because a few...
The LA Weekly picked up four first-place AltWeekly Awards, the most of any paper. From the release: The Los Angeles paper won not only for Jonathan Gold's sterling food writing...
• Change is coming to the third floor press rooms. At the City News Service desk, Art Marroquin is coming up from San Diego to take over for Erin Park, who...
Sunday, Jun. 19
In a Week in Review piece in today's New York Times, architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff dishes on the design of most stadiums and says Frank Gehry — building a new...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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