Weekly archive
May 15 - May 21, 2005

Friday, May. 20
We interrupt this blog-free day to pass along the news that Katrina Dewey is leaving as editor of the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Martin Berg, the legal paper's San Francisco...
It's jacaranda time in my neighborhood, and I'll be staring at the computer as little as possible. Back over the weekend....
Thursday, May. 19
NBC4's Ana Garcia did an investigative report tonight on sanitary conditions in L.A. gyms, complete with hidden cameras and an outside lab testing swabs collected from workout equipment and locker...
The latest Publishers Lunch Weekly says that Ecco will publish Pulitzer-winning journalist and author Edward Humes' next book, Monkey Girl. It's "about the modern-day Scopes trial taking place in schools...
On his first day as mayor-elect, Antonio Villaraigosa met Wednesday with LAPD chief Bratton, did the Crenshaw photo op I razzed him about yesterday, met with L.A. Unified superintendent Roy...
Wednesday, May. 18
Santa Monica's news website The Lookout attended the election-night party for Bill Rosendahl in a Venice home equipped with a bowling alley in the bathroom, a glass encased showroom for...
Villaraigosa won at all income and education levels, among men and women, and at all age levels except 65 and older. After all the talk about Bernard Parks and the...
Five of the Times' eleven editorial writers are moving on, most of them getting the word last Friday that change is in their immediate future. All of those leaving were...
The Times is throwing Pulitzers at the Disney company beat in the Business section, hiring two-time winner (and ex-Register reporter) Kim Christensen. Most recently he has been an associate managing...
It's customary for major candidates in L.A. to face the media and take questions the day after an election. Jim Hahn did, showing up at his Wilshire Boulevard headquarters at...
2005 Turnout 30.61%Villaraigosa260,72158.7%Hahn183,74941.3%Final semi-official/City Clerk 2001 Turnout 37.67% Hahn304,79153.53%Villaraigosa264,61146.47% Antonio Villaraigosa swept in by a landslide to become the first Latino mayor-elect of Los Angeles since Cristobal Aguilar in the...
Tuesday, May. 17
It's kind of rough and thin on compelling content, but at least LATimes.com is trying some new stuff. Snapshots from Election Day have been posted so far from four separate...
Today is — finally — Election Day in Los Angeles. Relatively few will vote, municipally speaking, but at least it was fun, right? The network morning shows, banking on history...
Monday, May. 16
• Finally, someone besides me is upset about the lost hockey season. Holders of those pricey luxury suites at Staples Center are complaining that they have gotten no refund for the...
Starting in September, a new service called TimesSelect will charge $49.95 a year for access to op-ed and certain other columnists, the New York Times archives, early looks at some...
An anonymous, right-side political blog called Informed Sources posts that it has quickly registered the web domain names Villaraigosa2009.com and Antonio2009.com. After Villaraigosa wins the Los Angeles mayoral runoff election...
Sunday's New York Times reported on last weekend's marriage of Ron Brownstein, the LAT politics writer in Washington and CNN analyst, and Eileen Nicole McMenamin, the new communications director for...
Councilman Villaraigosa gets on a bus at 7 a.m. today in North Hollywood and, at least in theory, will keep making stops until the bus lets him off to vote...
Sunday, May. 15
The "sex issue" is a tired alt-weekly mainstay. One of the hoarier cliches is the writer who hangs with a stripper (dominatrix, porn actress, pick one) and reports back that,...
The street gang known as MS-13 was born two decades ago around MacArthur Park and now has between 30,000 and 50,000 members in half a dozen countries, various sources tell...
Between Hahn and Villaraigosa, I count thirteen campaign stops at Christian churches today, most of them in South L.A. Both are also working in an appearance (Hahn at 1:20, Villaraigosa...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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