The forthcoming magazine for young upscale Latinos is written up in today's New York Times, with a photo of founders Jaime Gamboa and Gabriel Grimalt.
The Tu Ciudad team is zeroing in on Hispanics who identify strongly with mainstream American culture while also cleaving to their Latin roots."We think this is going to shake up the way people see the Spanish market," Mr. Grimalt said.
For years, the conventional wisdom regarding the growing Latino market in the United States has been that it was, by definition, Spanish-speaking. But over the last decade or so, a growing chorus of marketers has sought out more assimilated Latino consumers - people whose primary language is English.
Angelo Figueroa, Tu Ciudad's 48-year-old editorial director, said that the magazine would speak in a voice that was equal parts Latino and American. "We're saying, 'We know what's in the mainstream.' What that means is, in book reviews, not every book will be about Latinos."
May 20 is the release date for the first issue, with a controlled (meaning unpaid) circulation of 110,000.