Weekly archive
April 24 - April 30, 2005

Saturday, Apr. 30
Time to modernize the software that runs this thing. If all goes well, I'll be back posting Sunday. Wish me luck... * I'm back. Everything works except search, and I'll...
Politics reporter Howard Fine in the Business Journal adds to what has been a less-than-fun week for Antonio Villaraigosa's campaign, writing in the new issue: What is it about Antonio...
The L.A. Times weighs in Saturday with its own look at the life and death of R. Gregory Stevens, three days after the New York Times showed the way. He...
Friday, Apr. 29
• Zankou Chicken in Glendale was vandalized with red paint after the owner chose to stay open last Sunday, the day commemorating the killing of 1.5 million Armenians in Ottoman Turkey...
* Recast with new details Channel 4 says at 5 p.m. that the airport police officer died after a suspect got control of his squad car and crashed into a...
District Attorney Steve Cooley just jumped into the fray over Antonio Villaraigosa's $1,000 campaign checks from workers (and their families) at two Florida firms that want to sip from the...
After realizing that his own little ethics scandal isn't going away, Antonio Villaraigosa announced Thursday he will return the $1,000 checks donated to his campaign by employees of two Florida...
Thursday, Apr. 28
LAT Assistant Managing Editor Janet Clayton reorganized the Metro editors a bit this week to create a new desk to specialize in coverage of immigration, growth and population changes. One...
The mayor "has never contacted me in the four years he’s been in office,” Rep. Maxine Waters tells Betty Pleasant in The Wave. "He has never been in my office...
Police chief Bill Bratton said this morning that six LAPD officers will face administrative discipline for their role in the arrest last June of Stanley Miller, a suspect who was...
* Newest at the bottom, including Bill Lockyer out of the race for governor... • Looks like an interesting cover package in LA Weekly on apartment living, under the theme of...
Wednesday, Apr. 27
This is a one-source item, but I believe a pretty good (if confidential) source. The source says that Council President Alex Padilla tomorrow will endorse Antonio Villaraigosa for mayor. Padilla,...
Former mayor Richard Riordan will leave his post as state Education Secretary on June 30, Gov. Schwarzenegger's office just announced. With deep regret I have accepted Richard Riordan's resignation as...
* As usual, freshest stuff (think Laura Bush and John Kerry) at the bottom... • David Shaw lunches on a double-chili-cheeseburger at Tommy's before he samples the Dodger Stadium cuisine for...
Today's New York Times revisits the death on Oscar weekend in February of R. Gregory Stevens, the gay Republican operative who had been staying with actress (and active Democrat) Carrie...
Good piece of enterprise reporting by Copley's David Zahniser, who found that 19 employees of Miami-based Travel Traders, which operates hotel gift shops, are listed as giving $1000 each to...
Antonio Villaraigosa's campaign is enticing supporters to attend a Saturday rally with the candidate and "a national political figure." It's John Kerry, the Times says. Meanwhile, Villaraigosa and Hahn showed...
In today's Times, editorial page editor Andrés Martinez writes that "working at a major metropolitan newspaper these days can feel a bit like working for the East German Politburo, circa...
Andrew Breitbart's career shift from the Drudge Report to a key role with the upcoming Huffington Report must be so surprising in his circle that he has issued a statement,...
Tuesday, Apr. 26
Antonio Villaraigosa's first on-air thirty-second ad of the runoff campaign is out. The theme is his commitment to education. Villaraigosa mentions that his wife is a teacher (but not that...
The cover of Business Week's May 2 issue advises the corporate (and media) world that their customers and competitors are figuring out where blogs fit in, so they better jump...
The LAT today joins the media pack on the Huffington Post, with an arch quip from ex-Timesman Tom Rosenstiel: "Is this a new kind of communication: a unique, elite blog-salon?...
Monday, Apr. 25
The comedian who played a bit part in the Los Angeles mayor's race, as a friend and campaigner alongside State Sen. Richard Alarcon, underwent a kidney transplant last week, his...
General Motors' attempt to intimidate the L.A. Times by pulling $10 million in ads "couldn't happen to a nicer newspaper, as far as I'm concerned," USC law professor and Fox...
The fired L.A. Times reporter emailed this note today, giving his side of how his departure from the paper was handled. Slater again denies making things up and says he...
* Newest items at the bottom... The Times' King-Drew series won the grand prize in today's Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards...Tonight's SPJ event on "Ethics and Entertainment Journalism" at the...
Surely you didn't think that baseball outcast Jose Canseco wrote Juiced, his tell-all book on steroids, by himself (if at all.) His uncredited ghostwriter was Steve Kettmann, a Brooklyn-based journalist...
Fired LA Times reporter Eric Slater tells Howard Kurtz in today's Washington Post that he got lazy on his disputed story about Chico — "It was the worst story I've...
The National Enquirer has gone British for a new chief of the Los Angeles bureau. David Gardner, who had been West Coast editor of London’s Daily Mail, replaces Jerry George...
This one was in Orange County just before 2 in the morning, and the victim is expected to live. Four people have been murdered while driving on SoCal freeways in...
Sunday, Apr. 24
Long but terser-than-usual roundup, due to a books-filled weekend away from the computer. It was great to chat with old friends, new readers, media people and bloggers and to hear...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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