
Ex libris hizzoner **

David Kipen of the San Francisco Chronicle, "Day to Day" and KCRW asked each of the Big 5 candidates for mayor to name their favorite book and also recommend one that should be required reading for would-be mayors. He heard back from all except Hahn, who has until this afternoon—Kipen's "Overbooked" commentary airs Tuesdays at 4:44 p.m. on KCRW—to join in. Here's an early peek, in the order they replied:

Alarcon: The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw for favorite, David Gebhard and Robert Winter’s Los Angeles: An Architectural Guide for recommended.

Bernard Parks: On Becoming A Leader by Warren Bennis and No-Nonsense Management by Richard S. Sloma.

Antonio Villaraigosa: Alexis de DeTocqueville’s Democracy in America and The Great Mayor: Fiorello La Guardia and the Making of the City of New York by Alyn Brodsky.

Bob Hertzberg: Living Philosophies by Clifton Fadiman and Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro.

Jim Hahn: No reply.

Kipen asked the same question of candidates twelve years ago for a piece in the LAT Book Review, and Richard Riordan was the only one not to answer. He went on to win. (And tonight at 7 on KCRW, Warren Olney apparently explores on "Which Way, L.A.?" whether Los Angeles County needs an elected executive.)

* 3:40 p.m. update: Apparently Hahn just lost his composure on the "John and Ken Show" after calling in and hung up when John said he voted for Hertzberg, the KFI show's favorite. I didn't hear the clash, but John just said on the air: "He had like a nervous breakdown didn't he? That was weird." He vows to replay the tape every hour and said Hertzberg will be on after the 4 p.m. break. Separately: FishbowlLA reports on a long Atlantic Monthly piece about KFI nighttime talker John Ziegler.

4:10 p.m.: John says he'll give Hertzberg a pass for supporting drivers licenses for illegal aliens, despite getting lots of email from listeners attacking his support for Hertzberg. Hey, says Hertzberg, we can't agree about everything.

** Well actually: I take it all back. Just heard the Hahn tape, and John did 80% of the yelling and 95% of the interrupting. Nothing's changed on More Stimulating Talk Radio. John was just pimping for Hertzberg and ratings. Hahn should have kept his cool better, but I'd have hung up even sooner. Move along, nothing to see here.

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