It turns out that, despite his group photo with the rest of the gang, Byron York is not the new conservative on Left, Right and Center. KCRW is still seeking a replacement for the short-lived Clifford May, preferably someone local. In the meantime, they hope to have National Review editor Rich Lowry pinch hit on today's show at 2:30 p.m.
Meanwhile, at 1 p.m. on KCRW, Warren Olney is scheduled to ponder the role of religion in the campaigns. Just to the left on the dial (and across town) at 2 p.m., Kitty Felde takes the KPCC News Quiz to USC for a contest between professors and students about the California ballot. Tonight at 7 p.m. KPCC also concludes the two-week tryout of PM, the politics show with Patt Morrison as host. This week she has had on Paul Newman, Paul Krugman, Birch Bayh, Kevin Phillips, Bob Edwards and Pete McClockey, among others.