After a night of parties, the Republicans get going today in New York. KCRW's Warren Olney goes on the air from the convention at 1 p.m. with "To The Point" and guest commentator Rob Long. Kitty Felde represents KPCC, with "Talk of the City" each day at 2 p.m. Hugh Hewitt is there blogging for President Bush and the party and, I assume, doing his talk show on AM KRLA (3 p.m. and 8 p.m.). Among the locals also on hand are Slate blogger Mickey Kaus, the LA Weekly's reporter-bloggers Marc Cooper, Harold Meyerson, Joshuah Bearman, John Powers, Ben Ehrenreich and Steven Mikulan, Reason blog contributor Matt Welch, and Bushie bloggers Roger L. Simon and BoifromTroy.
There's also Travis LaFrance, an alter-ego of author Mark Sundeen. LaFrance has started "his" own blog just for the occasion.