UCLA's Anderson School of Management announced the finalists for the Gerald Loeb Award financial journalism prizes today, but unfortunately made it unpleasant for many Net users to get the info. The top of the site is loaded down with a bandwidth-heavy multimedia presentation of the school's dean, Bruce G. Willison, making the announcement. Why not just make the dean a link so visitors can watch him if they choose? Visitors on slow connections no doubt got bogged down, if the connection worked at all -- it crashed my Mozilla browser. Anyway, the finalists in the large newspaper category are:
David B. Ottaway and Joe Stephens for “Big Green” in The Washington Post.
David Willman for “Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research” in Los Angeles Times.
Lucette Lagnado for “The Hidden Injustices of Hospital Bills” in The Wall Street Journal.
The Wall Street Journal Staff for “Exposing Scandals at the Big Board” in The Wall Street Journal.
The New York Times Financial Staff for “Fixing Medicare” in The New York Times.
The other local finalist is Michael Hiltzik of the L.A. Times for his "Golden State" column, in the commentary category. The winners will be announced June 28 in New York.