Weekly archive
May 23 - May 29, 2004

Saturday, May. 29
Imagine looking through some forgotten files of your late father's and discovering a valuable work of art or two — or 50. Saturday's Ventura County Star has a piece on...
The organizers of that joint L.A. Press Club-American Cinema Foundation event on Saturday night — the one with all the brouhaha over Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs — have...
Friday, May. 28
More tears than usual were spilled tonight at Santa Monica High School's last choral concert of the year. It would have been the final performance with the class of 2004...
Los Angeles TV's two local morning news and gab shows plummeted in the May sweeps ratings book, Variety reports. KTTV's "Good Day L.A." was down 32% from last May and...
Kausfiles found a link at ABCNews.com where they summarize each day the lead items and main political stories on the three big TV networks' evening news programs. Could be more...
Jon Friedman, media editor of CBS MarketWatch, was in town last week to have breakfast with Los Angeles editor Kit Rachlis (pictured) and to ponder the magazine (where I contribute)....
The L.A. Times' Tony Perry had been embedded with the 1st Marine Division in Iraq for nine weeks when the heat, the stress and being four years older than the...
The people who put on the annual San Fernando Valley Fair have decided that this year, the fair will actually be held in the Valley. Last year, when they held...
The all-but-gone E! Networks CEO explains her sudden resignation to TV Week, but claims she didn't read the Times scoop that foretold her removal -- and insists she was not...
Thursday, May. 27
Slate magazine's eagle-eyed media critic Jack Shafer noticed earlier this week that a paragraph mentioning him on the subject of the New York Times read too similarly in both the...
An emailer says that publisher John Salazar is out and that the paper may not publish this week for the first time in 37 years. Stay tuned....
Harold Meyerson uses his LA Weekly column to call on Antonio Villaraigosa to run for mayor again. Villaraigosa admits that, while he is co-chairing the Kerry campaign (and by most...
Angel City Press in Santa Monica and CaliforniaAuthors.com collaborated to produce an anthology of essays about California to benefit the budget-starved state arts council. All of the pieces in My...
Freelance writer Nancy Rommelmann is shutting down "Leaving Los Angeles," the blog about her wilder years in L.A. and her final year before moving to Oregon with her new husband....
Sallie Hofmeister reports in today's Times that Mindy Herman, CEO of E! Networks, could be dumped as soon as today (with a $20 million severance package), "accused of abusing her...
"Lindsey" writes on her blog that she is a Los Angeles escort -- and no, she doesn't take email or business calls off the site. The blog is her private...
Wednesday, May. 26
The Los Angeles Independent is out with a profile of Joe Cerrell, the Democratic political campaign and PR macher who got his start with John F. Kennedy. At age 68,...
With reaction and commentary flying around about today's editors' note in the New York Times admitting the paper's role in hyping the pre-war Iraq threat, ex-editor Howell Raines sent off...
The latest Online Journalism Review column by Mark Glaser explores the impact that bloggers are having on mainstream media. One of his main examples is the case of the Los...
Today's New York Observer "Off the Record" column offers some background on that Michael Kinsley review of conservative pundit David Brooks' new book that was excerpted here yesterday, eight posts...
As Spoken Interludes closes in on its final event in Los Angeles, June 6 at the Skirball Cultural Center, a couple of new online literary venues have launched. Fresh Yarn,...
Suspect Entertainment, the Los Angeles talent and production company that provides gangbanger actors and street thug atmosphere for Hollywood movies, videos and TV commercials, is profiled on the front page...
Tuesday, May. 25
Some L.A. Observed commenters were concerned last week by the ideological makeup of Saturday's L.A. Press Club panel on bloggers and politics. Panel organizer Cathy Seipp heard the cries and...
Before coming to L.A. to anchor the Channel 2 News, Paul Magers was the top-rated TV newsman in Minneapolis-St. Paul. He confesses his bias to the St. Paul Pioneer Press...
The "Goodnight Midnight" party is Friday, May 28 at 7 p.m. at the soon-to-close bookstore at 1450 2nd Street in Santa Monica. Pilar Perez and David Warshofsky of Perceval Press...
Real estate developer and community activist Danny Bakewell talked to Michael T. Jarvis in the LAT Magazine on Sunday about his new role as publisher of the oldest black-owned newspaper...
City councilman and former police chief Bernard Parks is said to be close to announcing if he will be a candidate for mayor against Jim Hahn next year (officially, Parks...
With Michael Kinsley soon to become a half-time Angeleno and fulltime overseer of the L.A. Times op-ed and opinion lineups, what he writes is being read for clues to his...
Malibu gave the final OK yesterday to its ban on beach smoking, joining the cities of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, San Clemente and Solana Beach. Malibu's ordinance takes effect in...
Monday, May. 24
Novelist and food critic (LA Weekly) Michelle Huneven and L.A. Times literary critic Bernadette Murphy have sold Bloomsbury a book to be called The Tao Girl's Guide to Real Estate....
The Wolfesden Actor Exchange was a bulletin board run by actor Sterling Wolfe where actors could post complaints and questions about casting directors and Hollywood practices. Wolfe closed the site...
Matt Welch details his take on the Sandra Tsing Loh-KCRW affair in a piece at Reason magazine and in a lengthy post on his blog taking to task the recent...
Kate Lee is a 27-year-old assistant at International Creative Management in Manhattan who pals around with some New York bloggers. The New Yorker's Ink column this week also credits her...
L.A. Observed has learned that former staffers in the Los Angeles office of Fleishman-Hillard have been getting friendly calls from the St. Louis home office, requesting their cooperation in an...
The grand juries investigating possible City Hall corruption have grown interested in contracts between the Port of Los Angeles and a Shanghai-based consultant, William Wong, the L.A. Business Journal says....
After 39 years, the former political writer, Atlanta bureau chief and lead reporter on the 1984 Olympics has written his last story for the Los Angeles Times. Reich, 66, most...
The Los Angeles Business Journal's annual tote of the richest Angelenos is out. The paper counts 28 billionaires living in the L.A. area, up from 23 a year ago --...
Sunday, May. 23
If you've followed the scandalette of the week in D.C., catch the end as Wonkette's Ana Marie Cox has a drink with the most famous (now ex-) anonymous sex blogger...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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