Weekly archive
May 16 - May 22, 2004

Saturday, May. 22
Blogads, the people who sell and serve up the ads that run on the right side of L.A. Observed and several dozen other blogs, collected an unscientific survey this week...
My favorite obituaries are of people I never heard of but wished I had. Claudia Luther did a nice job in the Times today with Edna Lillich Davidson, who hosted...
The Sacramento Bee reports that the 34-year-old magazine of state politics and issues has been transferred (in a no-money deal) to the new California Journal Foundation for Research and Education...
Friday was International Media Day for Gov. Schwarzenegger, who spent several hours sitting in his Los Angeles office relieving the backlog of requests by the foreign press to interview our...
Friday, May. 21
The L.A. Times Magazine has posted this Sunday's cover story on the John Kerry FBI files by Gerald Nicosia, the author of Home to War: A History of the Vietnam...
Eric Garcetti closes his week on Slate with a tribute to his city council district staff, which includes speakers of Spanish, Tagalog, Armenian, and Russian. He does an interview with...
Remember when Barbra Streisand sued that guy who flies down the California coast in a helicopter (with his wife at the controls) taking environmental photos, claiming he violated her Malibu...
Hollywood screenwriter Robert J. Avrech (Body Double, The Devil's Arithmetic) has started a publishing company, Seraphic Press, to encourage novels written for religiously observant Jewish children. The project is in...
Some of you may remember last year when Michael Schneider of the blog Franklin Avenue wrote about his parked Honda being crashed into on Franklin near the Shakespeare bridge—for the...
Mack Reed of LAVoice.org listened to Mayor Jim Hahn this morning on the Kevin and Bean show and was not amused. The chitchat reads to me like the kind of...
The deputy governor and senior confidential adviser/media image consultant to Arnold Schwarzenegger -- and by that I mean Maria Shriver -- guests on Jay Leno tonight. Also, the Sacramento Bee's...
Greg Mitchell, the editor of Editor & Publisher, will be the guest on "Deadline L.A." on Sunday at 1 p.m. (KPFK, 90.7 FM) to discuss with Barbara Osborn the four...
Thursday, May. 20
The Tree People, a committee meeting, a press conference, a council meeting, a reception at Getty House and the Hollywood Entertainment Museum, then home at 8:30 p.m. (Each of councilman...
Besides the addition of Rob Long, reported earlier today, KCRW's new program grid makes room for what the station calls the first broadcast show devoted to obituaries. "Final Curtain" preempts...
The OC Weekly's Steve Lowery writes that the paper's reporter Gustavo Arellano was barred by Chapman University from covering a press conference with Spain's ex-Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar. Lowery...
Six AP wire stories are all that shows, plus this alert: "We are experiencing technical difficulties on latimes.com and calendarlive.com. We are working to fix the problem. Thank you for...
The forthcoming KCRW program guide will show writer/producer Rob Long with a new slot in the commentary lineup during "All Things Considered." His four-minute spot on Hollywood to be called...
USC creative writing professor Percival Everett is profiled in the May/June issue of Poets & Writers magazine, the CaliforniaAuthors.com blog notes. His newest novel is American Desert....
The current L.A. Alternative Press cover story, Dangerous Curves Ahead, explores the SuicideGirls web phenomenon that began in the Pacific Northwest and now is based in Los Feliz. Is it...
Veteran Channel 5 reporter Warren Wilson has hired civil rights attorney Melanie Lomax to press claims that the station is discriminating against him in salary and assignments, the Wave newspapers...
Today on the Times op-ed page, Max Boot advises his fellow conservatives to quit wasting energy against gay marriage and move on to more important, and more winnable fights. Basically,...
Nikki Finke reports in the LA Weekly that Wall Street Journal media editor Rich Turner decided not to bother chasing the L.A. Times and New York Times on the Graydon...
Wednesday, May. 19
In which the councilman from the 13th district tells the readers of Slate about the Los Angeles housing crunch, council chamber gadflies, the day's legislative agenda, office manager Sally's birthday...
In the comments to Cello returned with damage, below, blogger "A Fly in the Wall" asks if the incredibly relieved Stradivarius-forgetter Peter Stumpf spoke up for Kato Kaelin during the...
The Times has figured out what to do with soon-to-be-ex assistant managing editor Miriam Pawel. She will join the never-larger ranks of reporters who write at-large about California, with a...
Writing "From the Left Coast" at National Review Online, Cathy Seipp criticizes Times editor John Carroll's recent "pseudo-journalism" speech and defends her friend Jill Stewart, who was left unnamed in...
The New York Observer editorializes today against its former editor, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, disagreeing with the notion that his ethical lapses in Hollywood are minor: The star-struck bon...
Tuesday, May. 18
Today in Slate, councilman Eric Garcetti reveals that while he represents Silver Lake (and lives in Echo Park), his roots are Val. He grew up in Encino and hung out...
I rarely delete non-spam comments, but have killed two that were posted late last week in the April 28 entry about the Hertzberg child support court dispute. One claimed to...
The June issue of Reason magazine with a customized satellite photo of each subscriber's home on the cover is starting to arrive in mailboxes. The New York Times (and L.A....
UCLA law prof and blogger (mostly about law, wine and religion) Professor Bainbridge tells the group blog Crescat Sententia what he sees as Los Angeles' best pluses: Woody Allen famously...
I've noticed more speeding police cars with wailing sirens parting traffic around the city. That's usually a rare sight, so I wondered if something was up. The Daily News asked...
A woman told police she was driving in Silver Lake, saw the 320-year-old Stradivarius in its case near a dumpster, and loaded it in her car with the help of...
Esquire editor in chief David Granger, whose magazine just won four National Magazine Awards, will be on "The Treatment" with Elvis Mitchell on KCRW, Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Speaking of...
Monday, May. 17
The memo to the staff today from L.A. Times Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus: Colleagues: We're delighted to announce two additions to the bureau: Walter F. Roche Jr. will join...
The author of The Mailroom and the forthcoming The Little Stuff Matters Most (with Bernie Brillstein) has had a good week. Rensin's latest project All for a Few Perfect Waves:...
If you haven't gotten the good news already, it isn't coming. The 2004-2005 Nieman fellows....
City Councilman Eric Garcetti is writing the Slate Diary this week. In his first entry, Garcetti begins his Saturday helping to paint over some graffiti in Historic Filipinotown then moves...
The memo is out on Christian Potter Drury, hired recently to be the L.A. Times' design director for the features side of the paper. The spot had been open for...
Now that NBC and Universal have joined, keeping the players straight can be a bit of a challenge for employees. The following policy memo sent to staffers at NBC News...
David Kipen, the San Francisco Chronicle book critic and KCRW commentator, takes a look at the growing scene of West Coast literary journals. He spends a lot of time with...
Business Week L.A. bureau chief Ron Grover interviewed Disney dissident Stanley Gold on Friday for BW Online. Gold predicts that, even with Disney's recent 71% jump in earnings, Eisner will...
Fox News gossip Roger Friedman thinks that Michael Ovitz somehow spurred the L.A. Times to investigate Graydon Carter, and calls the story about the Vanity Fair editor's Hollywood links that...
L.A. Business Journal media reporter Pat Maio interviews William Curtis, owner since 2001 of the Malibu-published Robb Report and other wealthy lifestyle magazines. Curtis says the average Robb Report reader...
That spat between Sandra Tsing Loh and KCRW boss Ruth Seymour from a couple of months ago is back on the media radar, in the form of a piece by...
While Mayor Hahn culls lucrative PR deals from the City Hall budget, the big bucks are being made in contracts handed out to law firms. The city paid $18.9 million...
Sunday, May. 16
The Sunday Opinion section of the Times did publish, on its front page, the "rise of pseudo-journalism" speech that the boss John Carroll gave May 6 in Oregon. It includes...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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