Weekly archive
May 9 - May 15, 2004

Saturday, May. 15
The New York Times on Sunday surveys the world of L.A.'s super-collectors of art, wealthy buyers "who are, not altogether quietly, reconfiguring the social face of Los Angeles." Those named...
From the L.A. Times: Colonoscopy — An article in Section A on April 14 about virtual colonoscopy said that conventional colonoscopy used a flexible tube about the thickness of a...
In the New York Times on Sunday (according to the date on the website), Janelle Brown does L.A. trend story #376A: screenwriters who write in coffee shops. Free publicity for...
Friday, May. 14
Channel 2 morning anchor Kent Shocknek asked his blog readers on Monday if Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should resign over the Iraqi prison abuses or stay on the job....
There are 2,255 stars for tourists to scuff their shoes on along the Hollywood Walk of Fame, including as of today one for longtime TV host Steve Edwards. Richard Horgan...
Before HBO or Blockbuster came along, selected parts of Los Angeles could see movies that were no longer in theaters on the legendary Z Channel. In the 1970s and '80s,...
Thursday, May. 13
The anony-blog A Fly on the Wall posts that UPN is considering a new "reality" series from Nash Entertainment in which real families would be shown grieving after being tricked...
That would be Orange County, the OC Weekly proclaims in a not-entirely-serious cover story that stretches the data a bit. Evidence presented for the claim of superlative gayness includes the...
The Los Angeles group blog started in November by programmer Jason DeFillippo and designer Sean Bonner gets a nice feature (sub. required) in today's LAT Weekend Calendar. The early posts...
LA Weekly "Deadline Hollywood" columnist Nikki Finke predicts via email that the New York Times will publish a first story on Graydon Carter and his supposed Hollywood conflicts Friday or...
Dahlia Lithwick, the Slate senior editor who writes on legal affairs -- and who is herself a U.S. green card holder -- writes at length and with pointedness about the...
Media blogger Jeff Jarvis on the botched opportunity that was Air America: It's too damned bad that Air America came out in the hands of such incompetents. We do need...
Criminal-defense attorney and former county prosecutor Steve Meister used to be an aide to L.A. City Controller Laura Chick, she who passed along audits and allegations to DA Steve Cooley...
For the cover feature in the Times' Weekend Calendar today, Patt Morrison peruses and critiques a small sampling of the magazines published in and (more or less) about greater L.A....
And the cellist, Peter Stumpf, feels bad about it. He must be a good guy because most of the musicians who talk about him in a story in today's Times...
Michael Viner and Deborah Raffin's New Millennium Entertainment, the Beverly Hills publisher of Jayson Blair's book, was ordered liquidated by a bankruptcy judge, the New York Daily News says. The...
Candidate Bob Hertzberg still doesn't know if he will be allowed to reduce his sons' support payments because his income will drop as he runs for mayor, but he found...
CityBeat's Ed Rampell reports on BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast, who drew a crowd when he appeared last week at Immanuel Presbyterian Church and who gets the ACLU's 2004 Upton...
Wednesday, May. 12
After reading a Washington Post roundup of the DC party scene, Wonkette writes that the capital no longer qualfies as "Hollywood for ugly people." Her revised dis: "It's more like...
Editor & Publisher, the print newspaper trade mag, and Mediaweek today handed out the 2004 EPpy awards to honor "the best new media work by media companies." "California Connected," the...
A photo on page six of today's Daily News shows publisher Tracy Rafter sharing a laugh with—why, it's Daily News über-advertiser Bert Boeckmann. The Galpin Ford meister is thought to...
Nice splash in the Times Calendar section today for author Denise Hamilton, the ex-LAT reporter whose main character in her Los Angeles-based mystery novels, Eve Diamond, is (as she was)...
Michael Walker's story in last Sunday's L.A. Times Magazine goes back and recreates the freak meterological conditions that caused heavy hail and five inches of rain to pound on Compton...
With no station here to sell ads for, there's no reason to keep a presence, Radio&Records reports. The trade reported yesterday that the staff in L.A. had not been paid....
Water bills will go up 11% next month, bumping the average household's monthly nut by $2.40 (LAT) or $2.94 (Daily News). The Times story by Patrick McGreevy credits the influence...
The Spanish language daily, in a battle with the new paper in town Hoy, decides to stress single-copy street sales and has increased the sites where La Opinión is available...
Tuesday, May. 11
In advance of the LA Weekly's Thursday publication, columnist Nikki Finke has posted a web-only scoop reporting that the L.A. Times and New York Times are investigating Vanity Fair editor...
The full text of L.A. Times Editor John Carroll's speech last week at the University of Oregon on "the rise of pseudo-journalism" is more hard-hitting than previously reported. He praises...
LAVoice.org has a neat little counter that lets visitors know just how many times a blog entry has been read in its entirety. Last week's item on the Midnight Special...
Elena Lappin, a Brit -- you know, the allies -- got off her plane from London and made the mistake of telling U.S. officials she would be mixing a little...
New York Press contributor J.R. Taylor rips into Sunday's front-page LAT story "Hollywood Rediscovers Grown-ups" by Elaine Dutka, calling it sycophantic and breathless. (Movie City News agrees, terming the Dutka...
Bob Edwards continues to seem more celebrated in his ex-host phase than when he was at the mike for NPR's "Morning Edition." He'll be in town this weekend to push...
Benedict Carey is leaving the L.A. Times to write about psychology and human behavior for the NYT's weekly Science Times section. He follows by a bit more than two months...
Kent Shocknek of Channel 2 News sent an email memo recently suggesting that the early morning show he anchors choose stories, then write and edit them, not to inform but...
Monday, May. 10
Blogger Patterico, who contributes to the Oh, That Liberal Media website, counted 30 letters to the editor in the L.A. Times this weekend that mentioned or dealt with the war...
There must have been some smiling faces around the National Public Radio studios in Culver City when the memo from COO Ken Stern arrived. Regular staffers are getting a one-time...
Bonnie Fuller's Star has a new West Coast bureau chief, Mary Ann Norbom -- she's the third in eight months, Page Six says. "It's kind of a mess," sighed one...
UCLA's Anderson School of Management announced the finalists for the Gerald Loeb Award financial journalism prizes today, but unfortunately made it unpleasant for many Net users to get the info....
The editorial board of the student-run Daily Emerald at the University of Oregon has posted a commentary praising John Carroll's "pseudo-journalists" speech that L.A. Observed put the word out about...
Tuesday's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the abuses at Abu Ghraib will be aired live on KCRW starting at 6:30 a.m. Gen. Antonio Taguba, who wrote the Pentagon report...
The LAT scribe-turned-successful novelist was the subject of a Bruce Weber profile in Sunday's New York Times magazine. The piece opened with Connelly sitting with a bunch of LAPD homicide...
Monday on "Day to Day" from the show's website: "America's shallowest Online 'blog' launches a new site about what some consider America's shallowest city -- Los Angeles. We'll talk to...
The Monday roundups of political items in both the Daily News and the Times look ahead to the coming race for mayor. Rick Orlov leads with Bob Hertzberg's mission to...
Time magazine's Los Angeles bureau chief, Terry McCarthy, has a piece in the current issue on John Carroll and the Times under the headline "Left-Coast Makeover." It profiles Carroll as...
Sunday, May. 9
J.D. Lasica, the Bay Area-based senior editor at USC's Online Journalism Review, has put online the introduction and first four chapters of the book he is writing and asked for...
A front-page story in the new L.A. Business Journal raises ethical questions about a Daily News ad executive's email overture to "mend fences" between the paper and a frequent target...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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