Weekly archive
May 2 - May 8, 2004

Saturday, May. 8
L.A. Times Editor John Carroll, on a roll in the industry after picking up five Pulitzers this year and a big award from his fellow editors, gave a lecture Thursday...
Ron Fineman's screen grab caught Hal Fishman opening a recent KTLA "News at 10" show with his coat on (left), then coming back from a break coatless (right). The odd...
Friday, May. 7
Michael Kinsley spoke with Alex Chadwick on "Day to Day" this morning about his impending job with the L.A. Times. I didn't hear it, but here's the audio link....
Thanks to Mack Reed at LAVoice.org for commiserating online over my troubles in moving to a new and better computer host. It's of particular interest to Mack since he too...
Air America Radio's chairman Evan Cohen isn't talking big plans any more. In fact, he quit today, along with his vice chairman and investment partner Rex Sorensen. The network also...
Ubiquitous L.A. freelancer and personally revealing blogger Nancy Rommelmann is now about six weeks from Leaving Los Angeles. She's been coming to peace with her impending move to Portland on...
The venerable Midnight Special bookstore tried to make a go of it after moving off the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, but it didn't work out. The store has...
L.A. screenwriter Andrew Leigh complains at National Review Online that the Times book festival had too many left-identified books on sale and writers on panels, and not enough right-identified panelists...
Musicians were stunned and saddened when Peter Stumpf, the principal cellist with the L.A. Philharmonic, revealed that the orchestra's 320-year-old Stradivarius cello had disappeared from his home in Los Feliz....
For reasons unknown, the Daily News likes to hype ordinary traffic congestion as gridlock (pronounced Gridlock!) It's worst in the headlines. Lisa Mascaro doesn't use the term in her story...
Bruce Wallace is the new Tokyo bureau chief. His background is in the memo from Foreign Editor Marjorie Miller:...
Thursday, May. 6
Switching L.A. Observed to a new computer turned out to be one step more complex than anyone here at LAO Central realized. But the crack staff muddled through. The site...
Wednesday, May. 5
In a New York Observer piece today about the pending demise of the NYT's Saturday Arts and Ideas section, LAT Book Review editor Steve Wasserman reveals he had discussions in...
Matt Welch speaks up for online scandal mongering in Reason, Cathy Seipp finds another Hollywood Republican to embrace at the National Review Online, Christopher Lisotta busts black homophobia in The...
The L.A. Press Club, which is putting on a panel discussion on journalism schools tonight, has posted the finalists for awards to be given out at its annual dinner on...
In honor of the heat wave and the year's first brush fires, Franklin Avenue links to the classic video of Channel 4's Chuck Henry watching the station's expensive truck --...
The headlines disagree on what happened yesterday when the city council took up the DWP's request for an 11% rate hike. Times: 11% Water Rate Hike to Get More Study...
The prizes for general excellence at today's National Magazine Awards went to Newsweek, Popular Science, Gourmet, Budget Living, Chicago Magazine and Aperture. There were 39 awards given in all, including...
The L.A. Times went to Montreal to talk with HIV positive porn actress Lara Roxx and put the story (and her photo) on today's front page. The paper agreed not...
Tuesday, May. 4
Pulitzer-winning L.A. Times photographer Carolyn Cole got a plum new assignment today. She will be the paper's first shooter officially dedicated to foreign and national news, based in New York....
Now that he's off "Morning Edition," NPR's Bob Edwards tells Terry Gross on today's "Fresh Air" that on balance he's happy they "pried" him out of the host's chair after...
We're at the point in the news cycle where the contenders and would-be challengers to Mayor Jim Hahn get most of the attention. Today on the front page of the...
Former deputy mayor Joy Chen, who left the Hahn Administration in April, has turned up with a big job at the international headhunting (oops, I mean executive search) firm Heidrick...
Ron Fineman.com (pay only) has the memo from KTLA Channel 5 general manager Vinnie Malcolm directing staffers to pay attention to memos--like his. Dear Fellow Employees, It has been brought...
Monday, May. 3
Gawker Media's long-rumored L.A. blog Defamer joins the party Tuesday morning. It's said to be mostly about Hollywood. The company run by online veteran Nick Denton is also behind Gawker...
Franklin Avenue points out that Michael Kinsley won't be the first major L.A. media figure to do his job from the Pacific Northwest. KROQ morning DJ Gene "Bean" Baxter, of...
Karl Fleming, the former Newsweek bureau chief in L.A. and editor at Channel 2, has sold a book called Nothing to be Ashamed Of: The Memoir Of A Civil Rights...
Mike Lafavore resigns after just fifteen months with a little knock at reality programming. Romenesko has the memo....
I've turned off the comments function for a few hours to see if that stops a spam attack that began last night. Robots drop spam into the older comments on...
Elvis Mitchell never fit in at the New York Tmes, writes Carl Swanson in a New York magazine piece. The paper had to bring in a freelance editor to help...
Sunday, May. 2
Janet Maslin in the New York Times gives a glowing review to Michael Connelly's latest Harry Bosch mystery, The Narrows, which takes its name from a portion of the L.A....
Pretty important, the Economist thinks. The May 1 cover of the London-based weekly is devoted to a big photo of a tight-lipped Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the headline Is California...
Think Los Angeles's history only goes back to the '84 Olympics? The Historical Society of Southern California holds its 120th anniversary gala dinner on May 13. Awards will be given...
Miriam Pawel, the L.A. Times assistant managing editor who will be moved from her job overseeing state and local coverage in June, has told the L.A. Business Journal (subscription or...
Mayor Jim Hahn's directive to city officials last week to end expensive outside public relations contracts appears to exempt many services, the L.A. Business Journal reports (free) on the front...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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