Today is Bob Edwards' final day as the host of "Morning Edition" on NPR after 24 years. L.A. Times radio reporter Steve Carney weighs in.
His final days have been filled with running a gantlet of interviews, trading his usual jeans and flannel shirt for a telegenic pinstriped suit and answering scores of questions about his involuntary reassignment.
"I'll be glad when it's over, to tell you the truth," said Edwards, 56. "It's too much going on — too much, and I'm still doing a radio program."
Today he said he'll take "part of a minute" to thank people, then he'll launch into his final interview as "Morning Edition" host, with Charles Osgood.
Edwards, incidentally, will be in town May 15 for a book signing at Dutton's Brentwood hosted by KCRW. He'll be there from 4 to 6 p.m. -- and it happens to be his birthday.