Weekly archive
April 25 - May 1, 2004

Saturday, May. 1
The Millions, by Max Magee. He works at Book Soup and blogs daily, but catch him fast. He's moving to Chicago this summer to attend the Medill School of Journalism...
Someone emails to ask if it's a little ironic or something that the Writers Guild of America, West negotiations website has posted the full text of stories from Variety, the...
L.A. Brain Terrain: "A SoCal-based blog recording upcoming intellectual activities for Angelenos interested in more than just driving, f*cking and (net)working!"...
Friday, Apr. 30
Michael Kinsley doesn't start until June 14 but he is introducing himself around the L.A. Times building today. He also expounds a bit on his new job as editorial page...
Antonio Villaraigosa tells the Times that he has known since losing on election night in 2001 that he would run for mayor again. The only question is when. He says...
Today is Bob Edwards' final day as the host of "Morning Edition" on NPR after 24 years. L.A. Times radio reporter Steve Carney weighs in. His final days have been...
Thursday, Apr. 29
A veteran Czech-born performer who goes by the nom de porn Jessica Dee worked with infected star Darren James on March 24 and got the news yesterday that she has...
The guy who claims he was the one to pelt candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger with an egg at Cal State Long Beach back in September has told his story to the...
Mike Hiltzik's "Golden State" column in today's LAT skeptically analyzes the media ripples that followed Reuters' April 21 report that Sony was close to buying MGM. The report created a...
Newsweek's former Los Angeles bureau chief, most recently the magazine's senior editor for news development, is going to the Dallas Morning News to be the Assistant Managing Editor for Sunday/page...
SWAT teams summoned. Only in the spoof world of George Wolfe's LALATimes. Also in the new issue: "Bush Declares California Disaster Area - In General" and "Celebrities Who Look Like...
For mayor of Los Angeles, that is. Writes Harold, no Hahn man to begin with, in today's LA Weekly: Against all odds, L.A. is going to have itself a bang-up...
During the Valley secession campaign in 2002, the city's Department of Water and Power hid its plans to ask for massive rate hikes, the Daily News charges in its lead...
The federal grand jury investigating the city commissions wants to talk today with its first commissioner, James Acevedo, a Valley-based political consultant appointed by Mayor Hahn. Acevedo directed the first...
Wednesday, Apr. 28
Michael Kinsley plans to fly back and forth between the two cities when he takes over June 14 as editor of the Los Angeles Times editorial page, op-ed and letters...
KNBC reported that the LAPD has issued a threat advisory after federal officials received an "unsubstantiated potential threat of an attack" planned against an unspecified West Los Angeles shopping mall...
Lucian Haas worked for the old Daily News and was a leader of the Los Angeles Newspaper Guild in the 1940s and 50s. He later worked as a press secretary...
Yesterday's final entry of Gregg Easterbook's blog sucked up, as he puts it, to everybody from George W. Bush to John Kerry to the New York Times. As of today,...
The Sacramento Bee columnist would appear to be no fan of Jim Hahn as mayor. Hahn and his mayoral reign have been likened, not without cause, to Gray Davis and...
Michael Kinsley, the former editor of the New Republic, Harpers and Slate, is joining the L.A. Times as editor of the editorial and opinion pages. Janet Clayton, who has run...
Nick Tosches announces his death with a tribute at Selby's official website. Hubert Selby died often. But he always came back, smiling that beautiful smile of his, and those blue...
The Daily News' James Nash reports on an unusual court hearing yesterday where Bob Hertzberg's ex-wife asked that he be stopped from running for mayor. Karen Moskowitz argued that Hertzberg...
Jon at the website Dodger Thoughts interviews Mark Langill, the team's historian and publications editor. There is also a special place within Dodger Stadium, tucked away from the obvious landmarks...
Tuesday, Apr. 27
Since blogging about The Office almost two months ago, I've wondered how Aleks Horvat's venture to rent work tables in a communal space to writers is faring. Turns out the...
Bad day in literary L.A. In addition to Paul Holdengräber's exit (see previous post, below), Mark Sarvas reports at The Elegant Variation that the reading series Spoken Interludes is leaving...
Paul Holdengräber, the creative force behind the county art museum's Institute for Art and Cultures, has resigned. His departing email is short and sweet: Subject: Farewell For the past five...
In the May/June issue of Mother Jones, George Packer writes that there is "something peculiarly stale and tired" about political blogs. He reads them anyway. First, a confession: I hate...
Local author Thomas Greanias's Raising Atlantis was a bestselling ebook on Amazon and a Web phenomenon. Now the novel about an iconoclastic American archeologist and a beautiful Vatican linguist, rivals...
The lede of a story in the Sydney Morning Herald was written to prey on the worst fears of Australians and decent people everywhere: Sydney has been warned that it...
Air America Radio CEO Mark Walsh said Monday he has left the liberal radio network. The Chicago Tribune, which seems to be covering the Air America experiment more closely than...
Monday, Apr. 26
All those competitors who have been taking potshots at Fleishman-Hillard for its city contracts may rue the day. Mayor Hahn today called for all outside public relations deals with the...
The L.A. Business Journal reports (subscribers only) that five of Infinity's seven local radio stations will be moving to the former E! Entertainment (originally California Federal) tower on the Miracle...
The L.A. Times has hired a new Metro desk editor to oversee City Hall coverage. It's John Hoeffel, who ran the San Jose Mercury's coverage of the Gray Davis recall...
The New York Times has been unfair to Mel Gibson and his hit film The Passion of the Christ, Variety editor Peter Bart (an ex-Timesman) writes in his column. After...
From 2 to 4 p.m. today, the station will air the war debate that occured yesterday at the Times Festival of Books between Robert Scheer, Christopher Hitchens, Mark Danner and...
Ex-city councilman Rudy Svorinich Jr., now a City Hall lobbyist, is raising eyebrows for distributing a newsletter that boasts of his prowess at getting his clients to donate cash to...
The newest copy of Fortune has a long piece looking at Barry Diller's moves to build a company, InterActiveCorp, that intends to get a cut of every Internet transaction it...
The L.A. Times Festival of Books is a great community event, no question. People have a good time, it's free, authors meet readers and many books are sold. The paper's...
Radio artist and playwright Joe Frank teamed up with Sandra Tsing Loh in an anti-Ruth Seymour stage performance back on April 9, and he vents on his website about his...
Sunday, Apr. 25
Freelance writer Candice Reed looked at the grisly photos of charred American bodies dangling from an Iraq bridge and thought, Thank God that isn't anyone I know. Then came the...
Pete Dexter (Train: A Novel) gave the funniest acceptance speech, Anthony Hecht (Collected Later Poems) the most poignant, and Bruce Wagner and R.L. Stine were the most entertaining presenters, based...
How seriously do the bosses back at Fleishman-Hillard headquarters take the public relations agency's media hits here in Los Angeles? Pretty seriously, according to a story in today's St. Louis...
David Zahniser, the City Hall bureau chief reporter for Copley News Service, writes in the Sunday Daily Breeze that insiders are "amazed" at Mayor Jim Hahn's political vulnerability. Only a...
Washington Post Metro columnist Donna Britt came to town and had her say about Los Angeles in a Friday column. The email correspondent who called it to my attention wrote,...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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