Weekly archive
April 11 - April 17, 2004

Friday, Apr. 16
Jack Miles, the former LAT Book Review editor and Pulitzer Prize winner for God: A Biography (and current senior adviser to the president of the J. Paul Getty Trust) reviews...
From SpaceDaily, via Boing Boing (which got it from somebody else): Russian-born University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) professor Vladimir Keilis-Borok says he can foresee major quakes by tracking...
U.S. Attorney Debra Yang has shocked City Hall and given her corruption probe a newly threatening edge by formally asking that every email to and from Mayor Jim Hahn and...
Thursday, Apr. 15
Variety reports that the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation and Adult Video News, the industry's trade publication, have called for all porn production to shut down for two months...
Folks at Forbes are a mite amused by a pitch from the PR rep for LA.com, asking if the website's president and editor can meet with the magazine's Los Angeles...
In the world of L.A. neighborhood activists, former "General Hospital" regular Shelley Taylor is the force responsible for putting Westwood North Village on the map. She lived in the home...
Cybele at blogging.la has posted an item there (with pictures) on the display of old Los Angeles street lamps planted in the shopping center parking lot at the corner of...
It doesn't look like the business dispute keeping the liberal radio network off the air in Southern California and Chicago is going away. Air America's brass continues to insist the...
Will Fowler was the first reporter on the scene of the Black Dahlia murder and kept a bottle of whiskey in his desk drawer at the Examiner, and also quit...
Used to be that the Sunday magazines in L.A. newspapers were packed with ads for swimming pool builders. New pools became rare in the suburbs for awhile, but with home...
The wife of Hahn fundraiser Ted Stein, herself a member of the city's Board of Public Works Commissioners, voted four times to benefit Kaiser Permanente during the time the HMO's...
Michael Silverblatt's guest today on "Bookworm" is novelist Octavia Butler, celebrating the 25th anniversary of Kindred. KCRW's new Tuesday book commentator, David Kipen, had a piece in the San Francisco...
Wednesday, Apr. 14
A reader emails that Hal Fishman's commentary on tonight's KTLA "News at Ten" defended Sharon Tay, who was the subject of that "Are Anchors Too Hot?" story in today's Times....
Hollywood sees journalists and our ilk as the next great comedy foils, the Boston Globe writes. Lawrence O'Donnell ("West Wing") is doing a half-hour comedy for HBO set in a...
The liberal talk network bounced a big check and owes more than $1 million to its radio outlets in Los Angeles and Chicago. KBLA, the dim-watted outlet Air America rented...
Local journalist Deanne Stillman writes in today's New York Observer about the Robert Blake and Phil Spector murder cases, which she has been covering since the start. As I’ve become...
Mayor Hahn's appearance at the City Ethics Commission yesterday to argue for his package of reforms drew four television cameras and merited stories today in the Times, Daily News and...
Ron Fineman's complaint on his website a few weeks back about the way Channel 5 anchor Sharon Tay dresses turned into a full-blown story in today's L.A. Times Calendar section...
Tuesday, Apr. 13
Laurie Pike at LA.com is on a roll today [not so fast...see below *], blogging that her old job as editor of Distinction magazine has gone vacant again. She reports...
The Pasadena Weekly's April Fools edition (no longer online, far as I can tell) pushed some noses out of joint, including that of the Pasadena superintendent of schools, Percy Clark....
The 2003 Sigma Delta Chi Awards for Excellence in Journalism, from the Society of Professional Journalists, include prizes for the L.A. Times and Ilsa Setziol of KPCC (89.3 FM). She...
The U.S. Attorney has subpoenaed the emails of Port of Los Angeles executive director Larry Keller, as part of the unfolding probe of possible city department corruption, the Times' Noam...
LA.com has Heather John's departing email: she's leaving as Style editor for Bon Appétit, where she writes, "as a senior editor I'll be covering wine and spirits, some travel, kitchen...
Caltech (soon to be USC) history professor William Deverell delivers a paean on the L.A. Times op-ed page: Kevin Starr is nothing short of the John Muir of our times....
The Greater L.A. chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (website here) is launching a series of monthly "mixers" at what they hope will be historic or journalistically significant locales....
Monday, Apr. 12
Since last week's Inglewood vote (and L.A. Observed item) pushed a few buttons, here's a follow through from L.A. blogger Armed Liberal over at Winds of Change, who posts to...
Carol Lay, whose comic "Way Lay" appears in papers all over the country, drew a strip on her Franklin Hills neighborhood recently. "Things I Love About My Neighborhood" features the...
It's been decades since anyone has written a serious biography of Hugh Hefner (Hef's Little Black Book, co-authored by Hefner and Bill Zehme, to be published in May by HarperEntertainment,...
LA.com blogs that Adam Moss at New York magazine may (or may not) be looking for a Hollywood columnist since Anne Thompson was let go by his predecessor. Before her,...
A tribute to Spalding Gray will air on KCRW (89.9 FM) on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. The half-hour special by independent producer Jon Kalish features excerpts of interviews he did...
The California Studies Association, based at Berkeley, is having its annual conference in L.A. at Loyola Marymount on April 21-23. The keynote luncheon speaker is author Gregory Rodriguez, and entertainment...
Police chief Bill Bratton, a favorite of the New York tabloids, has been out of the city for 128 days since the start of 2003, the Daily News toted up...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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