Weekly archive
April 4 - April 10, 2004

Saturday, Apr. 10
Sunday's L.A. Times Book Review carries reviews of the new books by Eric Lax and Joe Domanick, and sees Richard Clarke displace Suzanne Somers from atop the non-fiction bestseller list......
That's a hot Hollywood rumor about the pseudonymous Rance, says Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin....
U.S. Attorney and District Attorney investigators separately looking into L.A. city corruption have begun to cooperate and are expected to merge into a single probe, the Times' Greg Krikorian and...
Friday, Apr. 9
Former E! Online columnist Andy Jones today begins a new weekly gig for FilmStew.com about party life. It's called SWAG: See Where Andy Goes. In the first installment, he writes...
It's been a month now since Times travel writer Susan Spano began her online journal from Paris. She seems to have settled into posting once a week, and her column...
On the L.A. Times op-ed page today, the National Review's Jay Nordlinger reacts to the Inglewood vote against Wal-Mart with a big kiss for Sam and friends. Along the way,...
Barbara Becnel, the journalist who has reported on and collaborated with Crips founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams, is the guest this Sunday on Barbara Osborn's "Deadline L.A." media show on KPFK...
The cover story in today's Jewish Journal of Los Angeles is on author Michael Chabon's venture into comic books with "The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist,” based on his Pulitzer-winning...
The "One Question" feature at I Want Media asked Marty Kaplan of Air America and the USC Annenberg School to define "broadcast indecency." His answer: "Indecency is the right wing...
Laura Chick disclosed Thursday that she will run for reelection next year rather than go after Mayor Jim Hahn's job. So far she's yet to take back her early endorsement...
Thursday, Apr. 8
Talk is around City Hall and other PR shops in town that the FBI served subpoenas yesterday on Fleishman-Hillard in connection with the federal grand jury looking into possible corruption...
Just to finish the thought from a posting here in February about Laurie Niles, who hoped to audition for an opening with the Los Angeles Philharmonic... She got her tryout...
The headline of David Carr's piece in today's New York Times says "highish brows" are furrowing at the thought of an auto writer winning a Pulitzer Prize for criticism. But...
CityBeat's cover story says that Los Angeles is home to "the most dangerous publishers in America." The piece by Mick Farren profiles Adam Parfrey and his Feral House, and Richard...
The LA Weekly's John Powers gives Air America a try and says liberal talk radio has some growing pains to get through. Air America has a long way to go....
LGF is a Los Angeles-based warblog by Charles Johnson that generates 3,000 comments a day and invites strong opinions about the war, Islam and questioners of Administration policy. Critics consider...
Wednesday, Apr. 7
That's the rampant gossip in San Diego, says a writer for the local CityBeat there. Head guy David Copley is ill and the company's acounting department has been asked to...
L.A. Times Calendar writer Scott Collins chats up his new book, Crazy Like a Fox: The Inside Story of How Fox News Beat CNN, in today's "Media People" interview with...
The New York Post's Page Six dishes on the just-concluded Los Angeles fall fashion shows: L.A. Times fashion writer Booth Moore was barred by Sue Wong because of a bad...
Bernard Parks will start raising money to run against Mayor Hahn, the man who ended his LAPD career. He tells the Daily News: "People from throughout this region look to...
Hollywood, Interrupted, the book by Mark Ebner and Andrew Breitbart, includes a chapter about Heather Robinson, who says she used her job at AOL to purloin the screen names of...
Tuesday, Apr. 6
Too Much of Nothing is the title of a new novel by Michael Scott Moore set in the fictional South Bay town of Calaveras Beach, in which a Jewish surfer-teenager-ghost...
L.A. Times editor John Carroll is set to be on with Charlie Rose tonight, along with Pulitzer-winning foreign correspondent Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post (from Iraq) and playwright Tom...
The president of the city Airport Commission resigns but denies in strong terms any suggestion of corruption. In his statement, Stein also blasts City Controller Laura Chick, whose audit of...
Thursday night on California Connected (KCET, 10 p.m.), host Lisa McRee will guide a discussion about talk radio among John Kobylt of KFI's "John and Ken" show, Marc Cooper of...
Chill Out LA is a website and weekly newsletter "devoted to helping you become a happier, healthier, more centered Angeleno."...
An email correspondent to Romenesko passes along some backstory in the career of Dan Neil, the LAT automobile critic who won a Pulitzer Prize yesterday. Writes Todd Morman: I'm sure...
Architect Pierre Koenig died Sunday at his home in Brentwood. His Case Study houses #21 and #22 helped put Koenig among the elite modernist architects who gave Southern California a...
Reason magazine's June cover will be devoted to a cool exercise in technology: the 40,000 subscribers will see individualized satellite photos of their neighborhood, with their homes circled. The New...
Stories in the national media about the L.A. Times' pick up of five Pulitzer Prizes -- the second biggest sweep ever -- talk about a resurgent paper and credit Editor...
The LA Weekly's (and the Nation's) Marc Cooper has a new blog. Next! * And: Jon Wiener too. It's mostly the lineup for his weekly show on KPFK, audio archives...
Monday, Apr. 5
National security advisor Condoleeza Rice's testimony before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States will be aired live Thursday morning on KCRW (89.9 FM). The coverage anchored...
NPR commentator and autism expert Christina Adams has turned an essay about her son's recovery that she wrote last year for the L.A. Times Magazine into a memoir. Publishers Lunch...
It's to be Bruce Orwall, the longtime ace entertainment industry reporter in the Los Angeles bureau. The bureau staff was told he's the guy to replace Jonathan Friedland, who left...
The Times' winners are Sacramento-based editorial writer Bill Stall for pieces about state government, photographer Carolyn Cole for her work in Liberia, automobile critic Dan Neill for columns in his...
In some depth, by Mack Reed of LAVoice.org (who didn't get the job to be the site's editor). The site - almost two years in the making with heavy investment...
Sunday, Apr. 4
The Los Angeles-based show from Minnesota Public Radio aired for the final time today. Host Diana Nyad announced on the air (on KPCC) that "The Savvy Traveler" could not survive...
Anna Richardson, the British TV journalist who accused Arnold Schwarzenegger of groping her during a 2000 interview, says she'll file a libel lawsuit against the governor this week after negotiations...
PaidContent.org, which authoritatively tracks media efforts to make money on the web, is now listed among my links on the left side as a Los Angeles website. Founder and editor...
The LAT's Bob Baker has a piece in the Calendar section on the newly younger and hipper magazine put out by AARP, the group for people 50 and older that...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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