Weekly archive
March 28 - April 3, 2004

Saturday, Apr. 3
It was bad enough that Liz Smith reported in her New York Post column last Tuesday that the old Perino's building was demolished the day after the recent LA.com party...
After taking its lumps for a couple of weeks, the World Journalism Institute has toned down its Christian advocacy mission statement. It no longer states the goal is to train...
The Society of American Business Editors and Writers at the University of Missouri cites the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Business Journal in its Best of Business awards...
Some media and books things going on around town in April. The calendar gets updated through the month:...
On her new blog, Arianna Huffington pledges not to cash her $494.20 car tax refund but to turn it over to the California State University Foundation. In order for me...
Yesterday's Christian Science Monitor tossed up a little feature on Wonkette Ana Marie Cox: A political blogger, untamed, rattles cages in D.C. Previously at LAO: Wonkette revealed...
Friday, Apr. 2
Alexandra Jacobs summarizes the recent Sandra Tsing Loh dustup in her "Palmy Days" column. The only factoid I recognized as new is that KPCC will pay Loh $175 a week...
City Controller Laura Chick announced yesterday that she plans to use her audit powers to dig into the $9 million public relations contract between the Department of Water and Power...
The L.A. Times investigative team chasing the City Hall corruption story is out with a piece that says an engineering company, URS, has told the feds it lost business at...
Thursday, Apr. 1
Blogging.la was just April Fooling when it reported on selling out to LA.com, but the serious word is that Gawker is getting close to trying out its blog-for-profit formula in...
I won't be posting for much of Thursday. Fair warning......
Wednesday, Mar. 31
Lonewacko is looking for co-bloggers for a new project: "We occasionally listen to Air America so you don't ever have to."...
Rosanna Mah at the L.A. Independent discovers (and clearly adores) Tiffany Stone. The headline calls her "Princess Tiffany: Bridget Jones of the Blogs" and a great photo of the blogger...
Wednesday was a travel day so I was late to notice that Michelangelo Signorile at the New York Press has read a lot into LAT staffer Roy Rivenburg based on...
Tuesday, Mar. 30
The baseball season just began today and the Dodgers can't even lose their first game until Monday. But Sports by Brooks reports that Long Beach Press-Telegram columnist Doug Krikorian already...
Democrat George Smith tells the tale in the Village Voice of how he came to be, for a one-week media cycle, what he calls "an unwitting hit man for the...
Mediabistro hangs out at last weekend's overdue launch party for Wonkette.com in Washington (graced by bi-coasting Venetian Mickey Kaus) and sits down to find out all about the woman behind...
Sack had also been a producer for Channel 2 here, a screenwriter, an actor and a writer for the TV show "That's Incredible." But he is best known as a...
Today's front page story on Gov. Schwarzenegger and his bulldog lawyer Martin Singer getting tough with improper uses of Arnold's likeness is the first L.A. Times byline for Robert Salladay,...
The American Reporter's San Pedro-based media correspondent, Robert Gelfand, praises recent L.A. Times stories on Ford's defense tactics in liability cases (by Myron Levin) and on drug companies striving to...
Mariane Pearl, the wife of slain WSJ reporter Daniel Pearl, wants a payment from the 9-11 victims fund for herself and the Pearls' son Adam. The New York Times story...
Subscribers to Ron Fineman's On the Record are voting on the best TV news anchor team in Los Angeles. The field has narrowed to two finalists: Channel 7's Marc Brown...
The Juxtaposition actually expends bandwidth, intellectual and digital, suggesting that I offer an official L.A. Observed coffee mug. Hmm, maybe someday. [Just do it. Accepting that ad for the immortals...
Monday, Mar. 29
George Butler, the filmmaker who gave Arnold Schwarzenegger's career a jump start with Pumping Iron, has lately been hanging out with his old pal John Kerry. He threatened to sue...
After 13 years of litigation, an L.A. judge threw out a lawsuit seeking royalties on Winnie the Pooh after ruling that the plaintiffs' investigator broke into Disney offices and stole...
Local author Steve Oney's And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan & the Lynching of Leo Frank didn't quite win the $10,000 J. Anthony Lukas Prize Project...
Comments and new postings were blocked for most of today (Monday) by my web hosting service, Lunarpages. They are back on now. Lunarpages is unhappy with Movable Type, the software...
U.S. forces padlocked the doors and shut down a Baghdad newspaper sponsored by a popular anti-American Shiite cleric, accusing it of printing lies that incited violence against coalition forces in...
One of the changes under consideration by NPR to replace Bob Edwards, the longtime host of the cornerstone news show "Morning Edition" who was dumped last week, is to put...
Here's another way that Bill Bratton is unlike any previous Los Angeles police chief. Last week, writes Rick Orlov in the Daily News, Bratton and his wife Rikki Klieman hosted...
Mayor Hahn's chief of staff Tim McOsker played a part in last week's resignations by three deputy mayors and is seeing his authority grow, the Business Journal reports in a...
Unlike me, the Business Journal follows up my Feb. 19 report on Wall Street Journal L.A. bureau chief Jonathan Friedland leaving town with some actual reporting. He's going to the...
Sunday, Mar. 28
In Saturday's L.A. Times, Tim Rutten summarizes ex-NYT Editor Howell Raines' 21,000-word disgorgement in The Atlantic as "a devastating appraisal of his former newspaper and its prospects." He sheds some...
Jonah at LABlogs.com arranged an open gathering of Los Angeles bloggers last night at Farmers Market and reports on the good-sized turnout here. He links to others' postings about the...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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