Weekly archive
March 21 - March 27, 2004

Friday, Mar. 26
Mark Robichaux takes over as executive editor of news for Broadcast & Cable, Variety reports today. He had spent 13 years at the Wall Street Journal "covering entrepreneurs, television and...
Last night's crowded (and reportedly under-catered) LA.com party was not the final event to be held in the once-grand, but long-abandoned Perino's after all. Collage Dance Theatre, the troupe that...
Former network news anchor and reporter Linda Ellerbee writes on the LAT op-ed page that NPR's removal of Bob Edwards after 25 years is more misguided broadcaster bias against aging....
That happy and by now very rich (we hope) writing couple, Faye and Jonathan Kellerman, have finally done a book together. Double Homicide, out in the fall, will be a...
Thursday, Mar. 25
L.A. Times feature writer Roy Rivenburg's involvement with the World Journalism Institute, whose mission is "training a cadre of Christian journalists to enter the mainstream newsrooms," has become a conversation...
The L.A. chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is bringing together the top editors of La Opinión and Hoy next week for a panel on their battle for Spanish-language...
Oops, I missed this earlier in the week. Mayor Hahn has chosen Lauren Hillenbrand's Seabiscuit as this year's One Book, One City selection. Hahn's previous book choices were Fahrenheit 451...
The April issue of Los Angeles with Shaq on the cover (not yet online) has an on-balance unfavorable review by Tom Carson of Peter Biskind's Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax,...
LARadio.com reports today that KKJZ, the Long Beach jazz station at 88.1 FM, has dumped its entire five-person news staff. The station will instead air music-related "news notes" and pick...
Deputy mayor Troy Edwards had been Jim Hahn's connection to the airports and harbor commissions, where questions have been raised about a link between campaign donations and the awarding of...
Deposed police chief, now councilman, Bernard Parks and his probable run for mayor are examined in a nicely done profile by Robert Greene in the LA Weekly. He’s not just...
Rick Orlov of the Daily News is called the dean of L.A. City Hall reporters in Cathy Seipp's "Media Circus" column in today's CityBeat -- on the job since 1988....
Wednesday, Mar. 24
In a settlement with the U.S. Department of Labor, the Writers Guild has set an election for president a year early on September 20. The feds will oversee the balloting...
The Santa Monica City Council voted 4-2 Tuesday night to ban smoking on the beach, at bus stops and within the pier's open-air amusement park. The law must pass a...
Michael Schneider reports in Variety that Tony Hernandez has been let go by Channel 5. His last day is April 16, if he makes it that long after ragging on...
Mack Reed at LAVoice.org has some fun with celebrity campaign contributions via the database at fundrace.org, which lets you search Federal Elections Commission records by name, address or zip code....
Numerous updates have been posted to yesterday's entry on the KCRW-Sandra Tsing Loh (now KPCC) situation. Go there....
Times columnist Steve Lopez took the bus from home in Silver Lake to the office for the first time since he lost his driver's license due to suffering seizures after...
With seven days left in the month, March has already set a new traffic record for L.A. Observed. For the month so far, there have been 64,825 visits and 335,664...
JPL's Mars rover Opportunity has found rocks that formed in a standing body of salt water. Possibly an ocean. It's the "strongest evidence yet" of a previous habitable environment....
The L.A. Times' Michael Cieply profiles Disney communications chief Zenia B. Mucha, a former aide to New York Gov. George Pataki nicknamed the "Director of Revenge." Razor-sharp and acid-tongued, Mucha,...
Laurie Burrows Grad, the L.A.-based food writer who also stages the annual Dinner at Sardi's benefit to raise money for Alzheimer's research, had a 35-minute audience with the president yesterday...
Tuesday, Mar. 23
Danny Bakewell, president of the Brotherhood Crusade and a longtime activist in the L.A. African American community, has formally taken control of the Los Angeles Sentinel, the city's oldest and...
Jayson Blair is scheduled to appear and sign his book on April 2 at 7 p.m. at Eso Won Books on South La Brea....
And you thought the Sandra Tsing Loh episode was fading away. KCRW General Manager Ruth Seymour has apparently had enough of being bashed by Loh over their much-publicized split. Seymour...
For the first time, more people in California buy The New Yorker than in New York, writes Cynthia Cotts in the Village Voice. The score was 167,580 in California (with...
NBC's anchor-in-waiting Brian Williams was not stripped and body-cavity searched recently at the San Diego airport. Broadcasting and Cable magazine regrets misinterpreting the joke Williams told... (via I Want Media)...
Sandra Tsing Loh is taking her axed KCRW commentary across town to rival NPR outlet KPCC. She'll be doing a weekly gig starting in June. Everyone's happy in today's press...
Last night's KTLA "News at Ten" found time to report on the L.A. Times annual in-house editorial awards dinner, held over the weekend at the Beverly Wilshire. Odd news judgment...
Al Martinez' column (subscribers only) in the L.A. Times Calendar section Monday visits with the other Michael Jackson, the longtime local radio host who has been off the air for...
Monday, Mar. 22
Last week's plane crash and house fire on Mar Vista Hill -- a few blocks from the L.A. Observed bunker, in a neighborhood that's home to several journalists -- has...
Mark Sarvas' blog The Elegant Variation has a report from the launch party for Black Clock, the new literary journal from CalArts edited by Steve Erickson. It was held at...
The bow-tied pundit drops into South L.A. for a ride-along with LAPD Sgt. Sean Colomey. Hard to tell if they ever got out of the car; the column is in...
Robert Tagorda adds some perspective to the Claremont McKenna College hate crime/hoax episode as an alumnus of the tight-knit school. Meanwhile, Tagorda announced last week that he and his wife...
In his column at TV Week, Alex Ben Block rips Entertainment Weekly's ranking of the "25.5 funniest people in America." In fact, he calls it "one of the worst power...
The football field and track at L.A. City College on Vermont Avenue (the original home of UCLA) is now a parking lot. But the grandstand remains. Will Campbell has the...
Four L.A. city firefighters made $200,000 in salary and overtime last year and dozens of others got more than $150K, the Daily News' James Nash reports today. Some firefighters are...
Miller is the Hollywood stuntwoman who came forward just before the recall election last fall to publicly allege that Arnold Schwarznegger groped her, then was labeled a criminal by his...
New York's tabloids still think L.A. police chief William Bratton is pretty hot stuff when he returns to his old haunt. He turned up in the Post's Page Six gossip...
L.A. Times Managing Editor Dean Baquet shows up in a New York Times story Monday on the rash of newspaper fabrication and plagiarism discovered since last year's Jayson Blair scandal....
Sunday, Mar. 21
Distinction magazine has undergone a makeover and been moved further away from the L.A. Times within the Tribune company's structure "to allay any concerns about editorial control," the L.A. Business...
The L.A. Business Journal front page has stories on Hahn fundraiser Ted Stein and ex-commissioner Leland Wong retaining criminal-law attorneys, the Wolfgang Puck empire and businessman John Anderson. But the...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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