Weekly archive
March 14 - March 20, 2004

Friday, Mar. 19
Jonathan Friedland has headed up the Los Angeles bureau of the Wall Street Journal since April 2000. He just confirmed to L.A. Observed by email that he is leaving the...
He's now posting fulltime as Political Animal at the Washington Monthly site. The old Calpundit locale will be used only occasionally for personal items, he says. Previously: L.A. blogger goes...
An L.A. Times piece today by Stuart Silverstein reports on USC's recent academic hiring binge. Among the new professors is respected L.A. historian William Deverell, who is moving over from...
Santa Monica photog David Hume Kennerly, a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1972 for Vietnam coverage and a contributing editor at Newsweek, is on the short list of finalists for the...
Steve Julian had been the NPR's station's local host during "Morning Edition" until leaving in January for Chicago. But he's coming back to his old slot on Monday, says LARadio.com....
R. Scott Moxley writes in the OC Weekly that the Times broke the news of the Orange County screw-up involving 7,000 primary ballots and that the Register trailed way behind....
Last month, you might remember, Daily News op-ed columnist Mariel Garza vowed to no longer call Fleishman-Hillard because of the cost to taxpayers when the PR giant bills official clients...
A team of L.A. Times headline writers won the top prize for 2003 from The American Copy Editors Society. The judges had this to say about the LAT entries: These...
Thursday, Mar. 18
The Writers Guild's embattled stand-in president Charles Holland resigned today. The email to WGA members follows, forwarded from several members while I've been out and around (thanks to you all):...
Cathy Seipp goes to bat for Sandra Tsing Loh in her fight with KCRW one more time in today's CityBeat. The problem at KCRW wasn’t really that Big Brother was...
Jay Rosen, chairman of the NYU journalism department, has a piece up at his Press Think blog giving credit to anti-LAT blogger Patterico for pushing the Times to "even up"...
Remember that hate crime directed against a Claremont Colleges professor who speaks out against racism? Police now suspect that Kerri Dunn slashed her own tires, broke her car windows and...
Wednesday, Mar. 17
William T. Vollmann’s Rising Up and Rising Down runs seven volumes and 3,000 pages and costs $120 from McSweeney's. David L. Ulin confesses in tomorrow's LA Weekly that he hasn't...
Walter Chaw lives in Littleton, Colorado, likes movies and reviews a ton of them for Film Freak Central.net and Rotten Tomatoes. To his surprise, Chaw found himself invited to the...
Back in November, Eric Umansky in the New Republic savaged claims by famed paralegal Erin Brockovich-Ellis and people around Beverly Hills High School (and a report on KCBS Channel 2)...
Caitlin Flanagan of the Atlantic Monthly is up for a National Magazine Award in the Reviews and Criticism category. Otherwise, it's pretty slim pickings for locals on the list of...
NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin thinks that KCRW's firing and reinstatement of Sandra Tsing Loh -- and her decision to reject the offer -- raises larger issues for the network. He...
The Times' apparent domination in the Pulitzer Prize competition this year is being taken by other newspaper editors "as a sign that the paper has put itself back on top...
Gubernick had been the Hollywood correspondent for Forbes from 1987-90. She joined the Wall Street Journal as an entertainment writer in 1998 and died yesterday in Manhattan, the New York...
Randy Harvey has been a reporter and columnist for the L.A. Times sports section, and most recently has been a senior assistant sports editor. He's moving to be the sports...
Tuesday, Mar. 16
L.A. journalist and author Hilary de Vries, whose first novel So Five Minutes Ago follows the life of fictional celebrity publicist Alex Davidson, has sold The Gift Bag Matters and...
Ricky Jay and San Francisco Chronicle book critic David Kipen are among the additions coming to the local commentary slots during NPR's afternoon "All Things Considered." Starting in April, the...
Author and journalist Ann Louise Bardach has written for Vanity Fair, Los Angeles, Talk, George and, among others, the New Yorker -- but you can probably scratch that last one...
Disgraced ex-journalist Jayson Blair has been on three Fox News Channel shows already to plug his book about the New York Times, and has interviews set on the Fox affiliates...
The L.A. Press Club is still looking for awards entries from Southern California journalists. The deadline is Friday. Information here....
Following yesterday's release of her joint statement with Sandra Tsing Loh, KCRW general manager Ruth Seymour sent a missive to the station's email list: Dear Concerned Listener: [Joint statement omitted]...
Monday, Mar. 15
Boing Boing, the group blog co-written by Mark Frauenfelder and Xeni Jardin in Los Angeles (as well as others), cleaned up in the 2004 Weblog Awards, or Bloggies, announced today....
Channel 2 reporter Rick Chambers was taken off the air for two days last week after airing racial slurs in a taped story about that protest over hate crimes at...
She won't return to the air, but the radio station and Sandra Tsing Loh issue a joint statement: KCRW RESCINDS DISMISSAL OF SANDRA TSING LOH SANTA MONICA, March 15, 2004...
Tidbits from Howard Kurtz's story in the Washington Post on a new report card on the media from the Project for Excellence in Journalism: "Americans think journalists are sloppier, less...
The New Yorker's worst-selling cover of 2003 was the one about Arnold Schwarzenegger as "California's strongman." The best-selling double issue was winter fiction. Jesus covers sold best at the Economist...
Rick Orlov in the Daily News reports that former police chief, and current councilman, Bernard Parks is expected to announce for mayor "any day now." Remember, Jim Hahn refused to...
Jacques Steinberg in the New York Times reports on the pitch received last week by 400,000 registered users of LATimes.com -- an invitation to click on an advertorial section espousing...
Before USC law professor and op-ed meister Erwin Chemerinsky heads off to Duke this fall, he has agreed to advise Mayor Hahn on how the city's big money-rich departments should...
LA.com is making a marketing splash if nothing else, with ads visible around town and spots on KCRW. Now the portal website backed by Dean Singleton and others will open...
Prime space in the Travel area of LATimes.com announces "Postcards from Paris," which is supposed to be staff travel writer Susan Spano's journal of living the next seven months in...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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