Weekly archive
March 7 - March 13, 2004

Friday, Mar. 12
Somebody asked in email recently what's with all the Paul Magers mentions here. All I can say is check out the big Times Calendar story Sunday on the $2.2 million-a-year...
Tom Scocca, senior editor of the Washington City Paper, is the new media critic at the New York Observer. He will write the Off the Record column in place of...
Backlash continues from KCRW's dismissal of Sandra Tsing Loh. The hometown Santa Monica Mirror's editorial this week, titled "Loh Blow," blasts the station and general manager Ruth Seymour. Like almost...
Brian Vander Brug of the L.A. Times won a National Journalism Award in photojournalism from the Scripps Howard Foundation. He gets $5,000 and a trophy. No other locals were honored....
On Life and Times tonight (KCET, 7 p.m.), Toni Guinyard reports on the newspaper war for Spanish-speaking readers here between La Opinión and Hoy. Earlier: La guerra is on...
Jack Shafer, Slate's media critic, clicks on Gawker and Wonkette a dozen times a day but hates to admit it. He wishes the Nick Denton experiments in blogging for profit...
The new "bi-coastal, biannual print magazine dedicated to identifying and promoting established and emerging literary talent" is out. The editor is Leelila Strogov. Writers in the first issue of Swink...
Jim Schachter, a former assistant business editor at the L.A. Times now at the New York Times, was in line for, but did not get, the NYT business editor job...
Consider this paragraph in a recent top-of-the-page lead story in the L.A. Daily News by Troy Anderson, about recycling firms accused of skimming money: Californians bought more than 18.2 billion...
Thursday, Mar. 11
Marc Cooper has an entertaining appreciation of his friend and journalism mentor, the late Marshall Frady, in The Nation. Frady died this week at 64. Cooper's obit begins: I first...
The Pasadena public radio station yanked the series "The Play’s the Thing" from its lineup because of a couple of banned words spoken during a Feb. 7 rebroadcast of the...
The lede in today's piece on Mayor Jim Hahn in CityBeat by Charles Rappleye: There’s no question Mayor Jim Hahn is a strange political bird. Laconic and dewy-eyed, timorous and...
David Ehrenstein of the LA Weekly sits down at home with British ex-pat Gavin Lambert to reminisce about Hollywood and Natalie Wood, the subject of Lambert's latest book. "I came...
Wednesday, Mar. 10
The program schedule for the liberal talk show net that takes off March 31 is out, and as reported in December, USC's Martin Kaplan is on it. "So What Else...
Caryn at art.blogging.la is unhappy that the L.A. Times won't let her post for free the full text of a story in the paper about an exhibition at her gallery....
Rip Rense's column today at the Rip Post recalls several of the characters he got to know and like working at L.A. newspapers in decades past. It centers on Carter...
Romenesko has the memo from Bill Keller: Sam's list of accomplishments should probably be headed by his virtuoso 1997 biography of Whittaker Chambers, a finalist for both the Pulitzer and...
Don Aucoin at the Boston Globe has a little fun pondering who might inherit Martha Stewart's role as arbiter of taste. Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, and Carmelo Soprano are among...
Alexandra Jacobs does the "Palmy Days" column observing on Los Angeles life for the New York Observer. This week, she writes about the practical differences between dating here and in...
This time from Diane Disney, Walt's last surviving child. She tells Jim Bates of the L.A. Times that it's time for Michael Eisner to step down. Tick, tick, tick......
This time from the San Jose Mercury. First, the correction in Tuesday's paper: The front-page Mike Cassidy column Saturday misstated the kind of place mats sold in Kmart under Martha...
Tuesday, Mar. 9
Based on an anonymous tip, I dropped in on Variety.com's weblog page and found that "The Porning Report" is history. "Coverage of the porn industry's move to mainstream" had been...
A Caltech grad student in physics has been arrested and charged with last summer's arson rampage against Hummers and other SUVs at four dealerships in the San Gabriel Valley. A...
The former editor and publisher of The Hollywood Reporter died Monday morning at Cedars-Sinai after complications from intestinal surgery, the paper reports today. She had suffered from Parkinson's disease for...
I went poking around the Editor & Publisher site to see if they decided to acknowledge that the Pulitzer list Joe Strupp crowed about having on Monday appeared here two...
Former L.A. City Council member Jackie Goldberg, now in the state Assembly, and her partner of 28 years, poet and activist Sharon Stricker, were among six gay and lesbian couples...
In the months after 9/11, many travelers gave up flying to drive instead, thinking it "safer." The end result was 350 more traffic deaths, author and Hope College social psychologist...
Hard-core anti-L.A. Times bloggers Patterico and Xrlq are going national, so to speak, as regular contributors to a new group blog, Oh, That Liberal Media! It launched March 2, claiming...
Monday, Mar. 8
A sampling of book deals from today's Publishers Lunch weekly. Non-fiction: • Journalist and critic James Sullivan's AMERICAN BLUE, the story of blue jeans, from their development in the days of...
The New York City medical examiner needed to use dental records to confirm that the remains found in the East River were those of the missing monologuist. Gray was 62....
High-traffic liberal blogger Kevin Drum will be writing Calpundit for money for the Washington Monthly, starting as soon as the new URL comes down. Yes, I have sold out to...
Variety's Claude Brodesser discusses the hot movie of the moment, The Passion of the Christ, on The Politics of Culture, Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Tonight on Life & Times (KCET-TV,...
Those following the end of Sandra Tsing Loh's six-year run as a KCRW commentator may want to tune in Marketplace this afternoon. Cathy Seipp says that Loh (who also comments...
Michael Hiltzik, in today's LAT Business section: Speaking as someone who lived and worked for years in a string of petty Third World dictatorships, I believe I'm well qualified to...
The full list of Pulitzer Prize finalists in the journalism categories that we reported on Friday (apparently first) has shown up today on the Editor & Publisher website. The story...
The Pacifica Radio show "Democracy Now!" phoned up the exiled Haiti President Jean-Bertrand Aristide this morning in the Central African Republic. The show re-airs between 9 and 10 a.m. on...
Noam N. Levey, the new guy in City Hall for the Times, takes stock of the potential lineup of challengers to Mayor Jim Hahn and finds enough interest out there...
The March calendar of events has picked up some new listings. Among them is a book party to be thrown by the LA Weekly next week for its own writer,...
Timm Herdt, newly linked on the left, is state bureau chief for the Ventura County Star. He blogs mostly about politics on the Star's site, and in a recent item...
Sunday, Mar. 7
The L.A. Times has probably taken more lumps than it deserves over the changing of "pro-life" to "anti-abortion" in an opera review. (See LAT's anti-abortion opera). What looks to be...
This week in the L.A. Business Journal, Editor Mark Lacter moves his weekly commentary out to the cover and calls for Michael Eisner's departure from Disney. Over the years, there’s...
Attention West Side writers: screenwriter Aleks Horvat, founder of the Hollywood Creative Directory, has opened a private rental work space on 26th Street in upper Santa Monica (across from the...
The blog host went down earlier today to upgrade, putting up a notice that it would be back in service by noon L.A. time. The promise later changed to 1...
James Wolcott opens his exploration of politics blogs in the April Vanity Fair (not online) by asking "are we in danger of drowning in blogorrhea?" But he comes around, shows...
Channel 4's legal reporter Manny Medrano is the former federal prosecutor who got into TV news as an analyst on the O.J. Simpson case and other big trials in the...
Tim Rutten reviews Jayson Blair's Burning Down My Masters' House: My Life at the New York Times, in the L.A. Times Book Review: Blair owes the readers and colleagues he...
On the L.A. Times op-ed page Sunday, Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Tsing Loh both expound on the radio decency issue. You'll know which is which: So are we now going...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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