The Smoking Gun has posted a photocopy of the 12-page book proposal for Tongue in Chic: Paris Hilton's Confessions of an Heiress. Yes, it's just like you'd think it would be. The local ghost writer is Merle Ginsberg, whose magazine credits include W and Distinction.
Update: Tiffany Stone parties late into the night with Paris after the Grammys...and Publishers Lunch reports that the book sold to Touchstone.
Meanwhile, Beverly Hills publisher Michael Viner tells Editor & Publisher that Variety will soon excerpt disgraced ex-New York Times reporter Jayson Blair's new book -- saying of Variety that "in terms of the media paying attention, it is the bible." Who knows, maybe kissing up to Variety will work, but editor Peter Bart denies they have a deal. "We have no idea at this point what we might do," Bart told E&P. "We have not had a chance to read the book and decide."