Cardinal Roger Mahony will issue a report today disclosing that the Los Angeles archiocese has received molestation accusations against 244 priests, deacons and other clergy dating back to 1931, the L.A. Times says. The document reportedly will admit that the problem has been kept under wraps and amounts to "a sorrowful story." The report counts up 656 people who have come forward to discuss abuse by priests.
The report will be available at the archdiocese website today.
Update: Mahony was just on "Talk of the City" with Kitty Felde, talking about how the church now takes sexual abuse by priests seriously. The audio will be archived at the KPCC website (though they appear to be at least a day behind posting shows).
Incidentally, Father Gregory Boyle, the East Side priest and gang counselor behind Homeboy Industries, is on the NPR show "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross today talking about his work and his battle with leukemia. It airs at 7 p.m. on KPCC.