Weekly archive
February 22 - February 28, 2004

Friday, Feb. 27
Ron Fineman's On The Record says that Channel 2 aired tape of nude women celebrating Brazil's Carnival on the 6 a.m. news this past Wednesday. A per-diem writer and editor...
Writing in The Washingtonian magazine, Harry Jaffe gives props to the L.A. Times for its investigative reporting. The story leads with former Washington Post writer Vernon Loeb in his new...
Cardinal Roger Mahony is criticized by name in a report today by the independent committee that looked into the Catholic church sex abuse scandal. The panel calls inaction by U.S....
Lead story on "Marketplace" today: We don't want to say that Michael Eisner's days are numbered, but......
Negotiators for the two sides reach a tentative agreement to end the supermarket strike/lockout that began in October. Now the workers have to vote over the weekend; picket lines will...
Los Angeles writer Andy Behrman's book Electroboy, just issued in paperback, tells his personal story -- and based on the summary I get why Hollywood is calling. Tobey Maguire wants...
Thursday, Feb. 26
Nick Clooney, the father of actor George Clooney, was a TV news anchor here on Channel 4 for a couple of years in the 1980s. He was also a host...
According to blogger Tony Castro, who cites an unnamed high LAT editor, the paramedics who responded to the call about Frank del Olmo's collapse last week were held for almost...
In the March 15 issue of Forbes, Los Angeles bureau manager Seth Lubove asks of Roy E. Disney and Stanley Gold, "so who are these guys--really?" He goes on to...
Los Angeles-based Hollywood reporter Sharon Waxman is featured today on the New York Times website, answering reader questions in the "Forums" section about the Oscars and the movie business. So...
Well I guess there really is a presidential primary here next Tuesday. Tomorrow (Friday) at 10 a.m., John Kerry has scheduled a UCLA speech "where he will outline steps that...
Cathy Seipp's "Media Circus" column in Citybeat this week traces the history of the Razzies, the Golden Raspberry Awards, which were started by a friend of hers from UCLA. The...
Emmis Communications, which owns top L.A. radio station Power 106 (as well as Los Angeles magazine), has joined Clear Channel in banning on-air indecency. Says an exec in the Indianapolis...
Jeffrey Anderson in today's LA Weekly takes on the Times' coverage of Cardinal Roger Mahony and the sex abuse story. Religion writer Larry Stammer comes in for the most criticism,...
Juicy stuff in Michael Cieply's LAT story today about a letter from Michael Eisner to Michael Ovitz firing him from his ill-conceived Disney post back in 1996. The seven-page letter...
Mayor Jim Hahn isn't real happy that City Council president Alex Padilla got a City Hall guard to let him into the mayor's locked office over the weekend, ostensibly to...
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Blogger Brooke Schreier Ganz, better known online as Asparagirl, recently moved to Los Angeles to be with her new (as of November) husband, Scott Ganz. They blog together at The...
Tonight KCET's "Life & Times" (7 p.m.) looks back at the astonishing career of Paul Revere Williams, the first African American architect in Los Angeles. When his practice took off...
The future of the Magic Castle overlooking Hollywood is up in the air, according to a piece by Gary Shapiro in today's New York Sun. Longtime operator Milt Larsen is...
Pilar Marrero, political editor and columnist at La Opinión, has been promoted to oversee the paper's metro coverage. As Metropolitan News Editor, she oversees a staff of 15 reporters and...
L.A. author and screenwriter Roger L. Simon has been a prominent "former-lefty-turned-Bush-supporter" on his blog, but he wrote this week of his disappointment over the president's move against gay marriage...
Here's an odd story out of Los Angeles City Hall by David Zahniser in the Breeze. Seems that Alex Padilla, the president of the City Council, and the chief of...
In 1997 during his investigation of President Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky affair, special prosecutor Kenneth W. Starr was chosen to be dean of the law school at Pepperdine...
Column One in the L.A. Times is devoted to a profile of Victor Davis Hanson, the Cal State Fresno classicist whose writings on the war against terrorism, immigration and other...
Tuesday, Feb. 24
If hearing this telephone number doesn't make neurons flicker deep in your brain -- say it aloud, Richmond 9-5171 -- you might want to move on and skip this item....
The Ventura County Star today announced that Howard Owens, one of the journalist-bloggers linked in the left rail, has been named the daily's director of New Media. Owens has been...
Knoll's Black Forest Inn, a fixture on Wilshire in Santa Monica since 1982, closes for good on Saturday. Chris Nichols posts from the Pasadena Star-News on the LottaLiving website: Regarded...
Aaron Tonken, the Hollywood scammer due to be sentenced soon after pleading guilty to federal fraud charges, is circulating a book proposal, says New York Post gossiper Cindy Adams. She...
Attention City Hall (cc: Fleishman-Hillard): Mark Matassa has been the Times assistant metro editor overseeing city and other local government coverage. He's headed back to Seattle (where he has family)...
Passengers who empty their pockets to go through security at LAX leave behind a lot of coin in those little bins -- more than $7,400 in change in the last...
Cynthia Cotts in the Village Voice fact-checks Fox online gossip columnist Roger Friedman's feud with New York Times Hollywood reporter Sharon Waxman and comes down on her side. Cotts debunks...
The new Los Angeles Spanish-language newspaper from the Tribune folks debuts March 1. The editor is Reynaldo Mena, who used to edit the Orange Country Register's weekly en Espanol, Excelsior,...
Monday, Feb. 23
When, if ever, has a movie review run on the front page of the Los Angeles Times? (Surely someone will know.) But I'm told that's where Kenneth Turan's take on...
Gary Dretzka at Movie City News examines the Bernie Weinraub question and the new Los Angeles magazine piece -- as well as journalism about Hollywood -- in a column that...
The NYT's lead story Tuesday reporting that the CIA got the first name and telephone number of a Sept. 11 hijacker two and a half years before the attacks is...
Heading into Thursday's debate at USC, John Kerry leads John Edwards in California by a whopping 32 points, the latest L.A. Times Poll finds. The debate will include those two...
There's a new journalist blog in town and on the list of links down the left side of this page. Tony Castro, Beverly Hills book author and columnist for the...
The Los Angeles chapter of the Society for Professional Journalists is throwing its annual banquet Thursday at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Linda Deutsch, the venerable special correspondent in Los Angeles...
New book deals from Publishers Lunch: Los Angeles Magazine editor R.J. Smith has sold The Great Black Way: Central Avenue and the Legacy of African-American Los Angeles to PublicAffairs at...
New York Times editor Bill Keller notified the staff today that disgraced reporter Jayson Blair's new book will be ignored by the paper. He also warned that it contains "hurtful"...
Rick Flaste, the L.A. Times Features Editor who came west from the NYT with Deputy Managing Editor (Features) John Montorio a few years ago, is returning to the New York...
There was a big to-do in Spanish-language radio on Friday, say LARadio.com and La Opinión (in Spanish but free). "El Cucuy," the afternoon DJ on KCSA whose billboards are all...
The Portland Oregonian's reviewer likes Charlie LeDuff's collection of New York Times pieces, Work and Other Sins: Life in New York City and Thereabouts, published in January. Alternating between the...
Dan Neil, the auto columnist hired last year by the L.A. Times, has won the best commentary or column award from the American Society of Newspaper Editors. Judges called Neil...
The sudden death last week of LAT Associate Editor Frank del Olmo messed up a deal Mayor James Hahn had to leak his ethics reform proposals to the Times and...
Sunday, Feb. 22
The first issue of Vodka magazine, based here in L.A., has hit the streets with photographs from former District Attorney Gil Garcetti's book Iron: Erecting the Walt Disney Concert Hall....
Every channel on Comcast cable in West L.A. (at least) went blank at about 8:48 p.m., then for more than a minute broadcast an emergency flash flood and mud flow...
Jonah has redesigned the look of LABlogs.com and added a spot to run ads. Fear not, his impressive roll of the L.A. blog community remains, just moved to the left...
One of the books in Susan Salter Reynolds' "Discovery" column in Sunday's LAT Book Review is Malibu Diary: Notes from an Urban Refugee. It's by Penelope Grenoble O'Malley, an ex-upstate...
I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't just make their own guacamole, but if you need a reason to stop using the store-bought goo that passes for the real thing, here's...
There's a familiar name in the L.A. Times sports section Sunday. Mike Downey, now of the Chicago Tribune, but formerly the big cheese LAT sports columnist then the victim of...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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