Weekly archive
February 15 - February 21, 2004

Saturday, Feb. 21
R.J. Smith writes tough in the March issue of Los Angeles about Bernard Weinraub, the former White House and war correspondent who has covered Hollywood for the New York Times...
Journalist RiShawn Biddle (on his blog) turns up a Daily News job opening: Executive Editor. It's posted on Journalism Jobs.com: The Los Angeles Daily News seeks an executive editor to...
Not the fame or the music, but literally the glare off the shiny stainless steel skin. Residents of the condos across Hope Street say they have to close their blinds...
Friday, Feb. 20
To continue the politics theme for one more item, the California presidential primary is less than two weeks away. But as Kevin Drum at Calpundit points out today, nobody's really...
John O'Sullivan joins KCRW's Friday afternoon show "Left, Right and Center" as the regular in the right seat. He is Editor-in-Chief of The National Interest, senior fellow at the Nixon...
Earlier this month, Brian Flemming threw together a bunch of photos and puckishly invented the speculation that President Bush had gotten a nose job. Last night, the nose job rumor...
The San Francisco Chronicle details the conservative and Christian political causes of L.A. Kings and Staples Center owner Philip Anschutz, while the LAT story finds a couple of newspaper industry...
He is profiled at home in Toluca Lake in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine. The piece is by Deborah Solomon. Roy E. Disney, who has long been derided as...
The top story at the Hollywood Reporter is the mixed message surrounding Saturday's Writers Guild of America awards at the Century Plaza. While writers are being feted, dissident members upset...
David Zahniser of the Daily Breeze is one of the first, if not the first, City Hall reporters to step back and ask what's up with controller Laura Chick. He...
Time for a change. Some new colors, things moved around, a general freshening -- and a rail for advertising on the right side. I've been getting overtures about accepting ads...
Last week's story on Koreatown nightlife in the LA Weekly elicited an unusual response -- a rebuking letter to the editor from Dennis Romero, a senior writer for the rival...
With $1.3 million already in the bank for his reelection campaign, and two grand juries breathing down his administration's neck, Mayor Hahn on Thursday proposed sweeping new restrictions on political...
Thursday, Feb. 19
Doug Dowie is out as general manager of the Los Angeles office of public relations giant Fleishman-Hillard. But there are two spins swirling around the move announced today in the...
The "Article of the Week" in The Simon is a mostly favorable take on Kevin Phillips, the disgruntled ex-Republican (and LAT Opinion contributor) whose new book American Dynasty rakes over...
Associate Editor Frank del Olmo suffered an apparent heart attack in the L.A. Times offices this morning and has died. Frank had been a member of the staff for more...
Beverly Hills' own smut publisher Larry Flynt is interviewed about porn, civil liberties and the Internet by Xeni Jardin today at Wired News. Wilshire Boulevard trivia question: why is there...
Marc Haefele -- "the dean of City Hall reporters," as KPCC likes to call him -- suggests in his L.A. Alternative Press column that Mayor Hahn should request the resignation...
Kevin Uhrich writes in the Pasadena Weekly cover story about Wayne Lee, his mentor and the late editor and publisher of The Enterprise in Simi Valley. A celebrated investigative reporter...
L.A.'s reclusive billionaire Phil Anschutz, who is almost never interviewed, is buying a newspaper: the San Francisco Examiner. Here he owns Staples Center, a bunch of downtown property and the...
The ordeal of Jesica Santillan, the Mexican girl who died of a botched heart-lung transplant at Duke University last year, gripped writer Nancy Rommelmann like few stories do. It might...
Wednesday, Feb. 18
Three hours before the new season of "California Connected" debuts on KCET-TV tomorrow night, KCRW will air the program -- in which Gov. Schwarzenegger and four living ex-governors discuss the...
At a website called Violinist.com, Pasadena Symphony player Laurie Niles has been chronicling her bid to try out (as one of 500 applicants) for a section violin opening with the...
Los Angeles-based writer Caitlin Flanagan joins the staff of The New Yorker to write stories about "modern domestic life," says the NY Observer's Sridhar Pappu. Since 2001, Ms. Flanagan has...
The first store on the West Side opened Tuesday at Wilshire and Euclid. We have team coverage here and here and here....
LAT columnist Steve Lopez reads Cardinal Mahony's mea culpas on sexual abuse by priests and says they "aren't terribly convincing." The report by the archdiocese offers the usual long-winded defenses,...
The third season of "California Connected" begins on KCET this Thursday at 10 p.m. with a new host. Lisa McRee, the former ABC News reporter and co-host of "Good Morning...
Channel 2 (KCBS) has put its top-line anchors Paul Magers and Laura Diaz on the Sunday 11 p.m. news for the crucial February ratings period, says Ron Fineman.com. It hasn't...
Tuesday, Feb. 17
L.A. writer Christopher Noxon has more than passing interest in Mel Gibson and the Passion of the Christ. He wrote about the movie and its maker (and its maker's wacky...
Kynn Bartlett, a website designer and host who blogs at Shock and Awe, Inland Anti-Empire, Next of Kynn and Maccessibility - and who comments occasionally here - is teaching an...
In e-mail, Distinction publisher Jane Dalea-Kahn takes exception to yesterday's post on the magazine, and confirms that another editor (at least the third see below) has taken over. Get your...
What is it about novels based in Los Angeles and books with journalists as the main characters? Publishers Lunch reports a low six-figure deal for this first novel with both...
Cardinal Roger Mahony will issue a report today disclosing that the Los Angeles archiocese has received molestation accusations against 244 priests, deacons and other clergy dating back to 1931, the...
A team of L.A. Times reporters won a George Polk Award in economics reporting today for their series on the global impact of Wal-Mart. The reporters are Nancy Cleeland, Abigail...
The widow of murdered reporter Daniel Pearl continues venting against his former employer, the Wall Street Journal, in a piece from the U.K. in The Independent. We wanted to know...
It's Thursday night in West Hollywood. Here's the info: WHO: Amy Alkon, Emmanuelle Richard, Cathy Seipp and the L.A. Press Club invite you to: WHAT: A party for the new...
Monday, Feb. 16
Los Angeles has just two spheres, according to the latest Distinction magazine: West of the 405 and East of the 405. Here's how the Tribune Company glossy compares the two,...
In today's Downtown News, Michael Imlay looks into the colorful history (and the future) of the Hall of Justice downtown. Beaux-Arts in style, the 1925 hall is where big trials...
Southland by Nina Revoyr, Steve Oney's And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan & the Lynching of Leo Frank and Steve Hodel's Black Dahila Avenger are local...
TV Week reports that with "Seinfeld" heading into a new cycle of syndicated reruns, the series looks certain to reach $3 billion in license fees and advertising revenue collected over...
Patt Morrison notes in the Times today that while the Capitol stayed open until 5:30 p.m. on the day of the State of the Union speech, Hollywood Boulevard in front...
Sunday, Feb. 15
This week's L.A. Business Journal is chock full of stories. RiShawn Biddle covers the brouhaha at the Writers Guild over new president Charles Holland, his resume and the dissidents in...
In the Daily News today, op-ed columnist Mariel Garza vows to take the PR giant Fleishman-Hillard out of her Rolodex. She's not protesting Fleishman's pervasive influence in local government, just...
Screenwriter Joe Eszterhas's Hollywood Animal: A Memoir made today's L.A. Times bestseller list at #4, he's scheduled to appear Monday on KPCC's "Talk of the City" with Kitty Felde (on...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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