Weekly archive
February 1 - February 7, 2004

Friday, Feb. 6
Pulitzer winner Suzan Lori-Parks is featured tonight. On Monday, Miles Corwin talks about how he got homicide cops to feel comfortable letting a reporter hang around. Tuesday it's Sandra Tsing...
Justene Adamec at Calblog feels the urge to call her mother, who would have been 64 this month, and say "OK, 12 years, you've been dead long enough. Stop fooling...
Someone more clever than I could fashion a great Variety-style headline out of this news: the trade paper will begin to publish a Mandarin language edition in China. It should...
That's Variety headline-ese for the repercussions from the Janet Jackson show at the Super Bowl. The latest: Janet confirms she won't perform at the Grammy's, and the SAG Awards will...
Under the headline "City Hall Probe Widens," the Daily News reports that new federal grand jury subpoenas went out Thursday to officials in three departments -- Airports, Harbor and Water...
Roger L. Simon signs a petiton calling for the recall of newly installed but embattled Writers Guild of America (West) president Charles Holland and urges others to do the same....
In the New Vanity Fair, contributing editor Howard Blum and freelance digger John Connolly (author of that much-rehashed Premiere piece on Arnold Schwarzenegger) team up for a piece on jailed...
LAVoice.org resides now at its permanent home (www.lavoice.org), after a little hosting snafu. Recent postings include a critical open letter to Mayor Hahn by publisher Mack Reed and a blessing...
Thursday, Feb. 5
The cover story in this week's Ventura County Reporter is an interview with Venice-based advice columnist Amy Alkon, who blogs here. (Thanks to Emmanuelle for the tip)...
Despite having CBS atop the ratings, Nikki Finke writes in the LA Weekly that Les Moonves should resign in the wake of several embarrassing incidents. Yes, resign, even though the...
David Willman of the L.A. Times Washington bureau picked up the $10,000 Worth Bingham Prize for his stories last year on the close relationship between drug companies and some scientists...
The soon-to-launch Los Angeles edition of the Tribune's Spanish-language paper Hoy will carry a weekly section of business news translated from the Wall Street Journal. The WSJ content will also...
Turns out that veep Dick Cheney and Justice Antonin Scalia didn't just happen to go duck hunting in Louisiana at the same time last month. The Times' David Savage and...
That traffic snarl on the southbound I-5 near Santa Clarita yesterday was caused by CHP officers and L.A. County Sheriff's deputies arguing on the freeway over which agency got custody...
NBC has ordered "ER" to delete a two-second scene of an 80-year-old woman's breast from tonight's show, citing the national furor over Janet Jackson's Super Bowl exposure. The Hollywood Reporter...
Page Six claims that unnamed members of the Disney board have reached out to National Basketball Association Commissioner David Stern about taking over if Michael Eisner is ousted. A rep...
It's Thursday, the day when many of the free weeklies in town hit the street. •  LA Weekly: The cover is about eating and drinking in Koreatown. Marc Cooper, Howard...
Blogger and occasional Salon writer John Gorenfeld is all over the case of the Downey mayor -- and former L.A. County Republican chairman -- who he says speaks at events...
My practice on links in the right-hand rail is to err on the generous side. I don't "trade" links as such. If its local and I think enough readers might...
Wednesday, Feb. 4
That flash of Janet Jackson's breast at the Super Bowl has become the most searched-for event in Internet history, Lycos said today. It has been requested sixty times as often...
Reason's L.A.-based associate editor Matt Welch has a strong piece in the current issue that takes off from the bad experience of his wrongly accused friend, local blogger Tony Pierce,...
Film critic Henry Sheehan is promising to post daily reports from the Berlin Film Festival on his website at henrysheehan.com, beginning Friday....
Nice in-depth treatment in the latest New York Review of Books for Steve Oney's impressive 742-page investigation of anti-Semitism and racism in Georgia, And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder...
That's how much the campaigns spent in last year's recall election, the L.A. Times writes, based on campaign reports and interviews. Some of the biggest spenders: Schwarzenegger: $26.6 million     (including...
Cory Doctorow, one of the co-editors at the blog Boing Boing, has released his second sci-fi novel Eastern Standard Tribe as a free online download at the same time it...
My observation last week that the Tribune Co. was operating the Times rather cheaply included this passage: "The premises are run so tightly that only one entrance remains open (to...
It's time, apparently, for another movie set in the San Fernando Valley. This time, Paul Thomas Anderson (who made Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love, but not Two Days in...
Independent Writers of Southern California is holding a panel discussion called "What Editors Want" on Saturday, Feb. 21 at 10 a.m. in Burbank. The panelists are freelance writer-editors Laura Shin...
Tuesday, Feb. 3
Can't let the day pass without noting the return to the spotlight of big-name lawyer Leslie Abramson. She planned to retire in June, but instead joins the Phil Spector defense...
Sharon Waxman of the New York Times L.A. bureau gets the news that Mel Gibson has agreed to cut the most controversial scene in The Passion of the Christ. A...
Rick Dees has vowed to make a "life-changing" announcement tomorrow on his morning show on KIIS-FM (102.7). He's been in intense negotiations with Clear Channel over a new contract. LARadio.com's...
For those who are outraged by MTV's Super Bowl stunt, here's Michael Ramirez in today's LAT: For those who find all the outrage a bit amusing, here's Dateline: Hollywood's take:...
Maria Shriver resigned today from NBC News, ending an awkward moment for the network and the governor. [Actually, they're calling it an "extended leave of absence." Shriver also is free...
The L.A. Press Club is hosting an informational chat with "key political advisers and campaign strategists" in the California primary on Thursday. None, apparently, had confirmed by the time the...
Speaking in a new American Journalism Review article on food writing, Gourmet editor in chief Ruth Reichl trashes the L.A. Times food section that she inherited back in the day....
About a year ago, the L.A. Times tried to woo New York Times "Circuits" reporter Jennifer 8. Lee to jump papers, proposing she come to cover immigration. Instead, she traded...
Gray Davis is suddenly all over the place. A day after he schmoozed with Gov. Schwarzenegger at a Super Bowl party, he's in Variety for making a guest appearance (as...
Publishers Lunch brings word that actress Teri Garr is writing a memoir that will include her current battle with multiple sclerosis. She's calling it Does This Wheelchair Make Me Look...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences thinks so, and they've got the cash -- a $134 million (and growing) nest egg, thanks to the annual Oscar show --...
Monday, Feb. 2
Last week, the Downtown News asked for help identifying this photo of old downtown L.A. It was found in a city office mismarked "7th and Broadway" from 1908, when it...
An LA Weekly story on the artist Arnold Mesches, who got his FBI file and found out that friends and colleagues had fed reports on his personal habits and activities...
The former CNN anchor based in Los Angeles will do freelance reporting for the NBC bureau in Burbank, Television Week's Insider column says. Bay is the wife of Disney top...
Dennis McCarthy, the Daily News' columnist, attended a Super Bowl party in Encino with Gov. Schwarzenegger and the ex, Gray Davis, along with Mayor Hahn, Chief Bratton and a bunch...
"Life and Times" (KCET, 7 p.m.) is sending Patt Morrison, one of the Times' most liberal columnists, out to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley tonight to take a tour...
John Markoff in the NYT ("Hollywood Mogul Plays by Technology's Rules") and Richard Verrier and Claudia Eller in the LAT ("Clash of CEO Egos Gets Blame in Disney-Pixar Split")....
Stephen Reinhardt is the judge on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who the left likes most and the right most despises. He is married to the former ACLU...
Sunday, Feb. 1
Miscellany from the weekend: * Matthew Heller, who writes the blog for Courthouse News Service, wrote the cover piece in the L.A. Times Magazine today on Utah becoming a haven...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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