The L.A. chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is having an event on Wednesday with five local PIO's -- and it's not cheap. $22 for members ($25 non-members) for French wine and a menu of "baked brie, assorted cheeses, vegetables and meats" at the venerable Taix on Sunset in Echo Park.
The guests are David Campbell of the Coroner's office, District Attorney's spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons, Lt. Art Miller of LAPD media relations, Superior Court PIO Allan Parachini and Los Angeles City Fire PIO Capt. Bill Wick. Gibbons and Parachini were longtime reporters before going the public information officer route.
You'd wish the two main journalist groups in town could avoid scheduling events at the same time. That night, the Press Club is having its book party for ABC's John Stossel.