Weekly archive
January 25 - January 31, 2004

Saturday, Jan. 31
Expect an exodus of Hollywood celebs away from the Howard Dean camp this week if he doesn't come back strong on Tuesday, the L.A. Business Journal says in a story...
My piece on PR giant Fleishman-Hillard and its top local operative, former Daily News managing editor Doug Dowie, is now up on the Los Angeles magazine site. The other story...
Coverage of California prisons, with L.A. Times reporters Jenifer Warren and Mark Arax. Sunday from 1 to 1:30 p.m., KPFK (90.7 FM)....
Friday, Jan. 30
Jennifer Trosper, mission manager at JPL for the Mars rover Spirit, has converted to the 24-hour, 39-minute Martian day. What her days are like, from the MIT alumni site. Tip...
Steve Lowery at OC Weekly remembers in a column this week the brief era when Jerry Nachman, the ex-New York Post editor who recently died, sat in as the host...
The Times plans to reopen its grand front door on First Street, the city landmark "globe lobby," for the first time since Sept 11, 2001. Just Monday, L.A. Observed pointed...
Every so often Times sports columnist T.J. Simers comes up with a memorable line. His opener today makes it for me: Sometimes you worry you're going to run out of...
Now that Pixar has broken with Disney, studios are getting in line to propose marriage to Steve Jobs. All he's done is bring in $2.5 billion in box office and...
In his L.A. Times column today, Steve Lopez characterizes the subscribers who cancelled after the paper published its Gropegate stories at the end of the recall campaign as 10,000 "apologists...
The actor, writer, economist and Republican activist wrote "Monday Night at Morton's" for E! Online for seven or eight years. He cites his changed worldview -- and a new reverence...
When I noticed last night that the #3 Internet search term (after "Paul Magers" and "Gretchen Carr") that lands the unsuspecting here is "Giuliana Depandi," it seemed time to check...
Thursday, Jan. 29
Dan Weintraub, the Sacramento Bee columnist-blogger (California Insider) whose take on Arnold Schwarzenegger during the campaign and his first months in office has been largely favorable, seems to be turning...
Three times in the past 14 months, federal judges have ruled that ex-Marine Thomas Lee Goldstein was improperly convicted of murder. Still, he sits in jail in Los Angeles. Henry...
The L.A. Times plays catchup today on the week's city corruption grand jury story with a 460-word piece that carries five reporter credits -- two bylines and three tags....
Two docs in New York tell Lloyd Grove in the NY Daily News that John Kerry's forehead is shot full of Botox. The candidate says "never heard of it." "Not...
Mickey Kaus' Kausfiles has been on the ground on the campaign trail (on Slate's dime) for a couple of weeks, getting back in touch with his inner Democrat. Good stuff,...
Jon Weisman, who writes the Dodger Thoughts blog, will be a guest on "Which Way L.A.?" with Warren Olney tonight at 7 p.m. on KCRW (89.9 FM). The topic: Frank...
The KABC radio talk host has a deal for a show to run on CBS or UPN in the fall, the Hollywood Reporter says. Elder's site....
Wednesday, Jan. 28
The former law reporter in the L.A. bureau of the Wall Street Journal is named the new editor of the paper's successful Weekend section. (Romenesko Memos)...
Just came back from Silver Lake where a strange coppery glint in the hills caught my eye. The mystery beacon was sunlight reflecting off the shined-up skin on the...
New York Times executive editor Bill Keller is backtracking from last week's surprise comments on the future of the paper's Sunday Book Review. He told the Poynter.com "Book Babes" then...
Deputy Mayor Troy Edwards testified before the corruption grand jury yesterday, the Daily News reports. Says the paper's Beth Barrett: Edwards was a key fund-raiser in Hahn's 2001 mayoral campaign,...
The Writers Guild board kept Charles Holland in place as president, despite questions about the stories he tells about his background. I especially like that when the Times could not...
A couple of comments were posted yesterday to an old entry (one of the first at L.A. Observed) on the death of writer Eddie Little. One is from a fan...
Tuesday, Jan. 27
A former top executive at LAX, Richard M. Janisse, was called to testify today before the county Grand Jury looking into corruption in the awarding of contracts, the Daily News...
Today on Day to Day (KPCC 9 a.m., KCRW noon), Xeni Jardin profiles a guy who's a little tech crazy -- he has 11 video screens in his SUV. On...
Monday, Jan. 26
The Radio & Television News Association of Southern California handed out its annual Golden Mikes on Saturday night. Here are some of the dozens of winners: Television: Best TV Newscast...
Joe Mathews of the Times' Sacramento bureau has sold a book proposal called The People's Machine: Governor Schwarzenegger and the Rise of Blockbuster Democracy, says Publishers Lunch. The book is...
The L.A. chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is having an event on Wednesday with five local PIO's -- and it's not cheap. $22 for members ($25 non-members) for...
Dean Singleton, Hearst, Copley & Scripps. (From Editor and Publisher, thanks to Brooks for the tip). Earlier: LAT campaign gifts...
In the heyday of soaring circulation and ambition in the 1980s, the L.A. Times basked in the warmth of being the flagship publication of a growing media empire. Times Mirror...
Glenn Bunting's piece in the L.A. Times magazine on sports writer Frank Deford's journalistic mistakes certainly elicited a bunch of response. On Saturday, the Times corrections page offered some response...
Shelby Coffey, the former editor of the L.A. Times, returned to the pages of the Washington Post Sunday with a review of two books on journalism, including Ken Auletta's Backstory:...
Matt Haber, half of the duo that writes the very readable blog Low Culture, had a piece in yesterday's New York Times' Arts and Leisure section on Sidney N. Laverents,...
For some reason, the name Paul Magers - the new anchor on the Channel 2 news - is one of the most common search terms that brings new visitors to...
The Downtown News says the Morrison Hotel at Pico and Hope near Staples Center is for sale. The hotel appears in a photograph on the cover of The Doors' 1970...
The Writers Guild board meets today to figure out the latest mess it has itself in, involving the credentials of the new guild president, Charles Holland. A quick recap: Holland...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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