Weekly archive
January 18 - January 24, 2004

Friday, Jan. 23
Rep. Billy Tauzin has turned down the MPAA's offer to take over for Jack Valenti. Instead, he'll apparently become the highest paid trade association lobbyist in the country. Wash Post,...
The acclaimed German-born photographer lost control of his Cadillac leaving the Chateau Marmont (where he lived with his wife June) at 11:40 this morning and crashed into a wall across...
LAVoice.org is a new community site made up of, says the FAQs, "ultra-local newsgatherers, pundits and outspoken writers whose collective knowledge of their neighborhoods and the city at large far...
"Democracy Now," the national show hosted by activist Amy Goodman that airs mornings on Pacifica Radio's KPFK, fixated yesterday on John Kerry and George Bush both being members of Yale's...
The fashion monthly decrees the top poker game in town is the Gourmet Poker Club, which has met once a month for 25 years: Barry Diller, Steve Martin, Johnny Carson,...
Thursday, Jan. 22
Warm Santa Anas - mellow beach weather - in January. So clear that Catalina Island looked to be hovering in the bay, instead of 26 miles (or so) out. In...
The City Council voted Wednesday to add Los Angeles to the list of 230 cities, counties and other government bodies opposed to parts of the USA Patriot Act, which President...
Agustin Gurza has been focusing on Latino pop music for Calendar and now will write about the "entire Latino arts and entertainment scene." The memo follows. Also, sources around the...
Publishers Lunch reports that Paris Hilton (or her agent, Dan Strone at Trident Media Group) is circulating a book proposal for Tongue in Chic: Confessions of an Heiress. Her co-author...
The New York Times has yet to hire a new book review editor, but that person will almost certainly be an outsider and make these changes: more emphasis on non-fiction...
Collage Dance Theatre, the innovative company behind last year's "Sleeping with the Ambassador" performances inside the abandoned Wilshire Boulevard hotel, is looking at doing a show at the shuttered Perino's....
The first time Nikki Finke met Ray Stark, the producer-agent-publicist threatened her. She calls him the Most Vindictive Man in Hollywood, but still wept upon his death over the weekend....
Author Susan Choi is the guest today on Bookworm with Michael Silverblatt (KCRW, 2:30 p.m.). Her novel is American Woman, told from the point of view of the Asian American...
The February issue of Los Angeles is the annual Oscar-timed number, with Patricia Clarkson and Benicio Del Toro on the cover. Inside are a piece on the culture of In-N-Out...
Wednesday, Jan. 21
Journalist RiShawn Biddle throws off the gloves on his blog and declares, "Why I Can Never Be a Conservative (Ever Again)." It's complicated, but here's a snippet: As Berlau notes,...
The Daily Dish (meaning gossip page) at the N.Y. Daily News says today that bad-boy Beverly Hills publisher Michael Viner, no stranger to the pages of L.A. Observed, and his...
Last week in The New Yorker, Nation columnist Katha Pollitt confessed at length about web-stalking the lover who left her for a younger art critic. Pollitt never named the man,...
Cathy Seipp pokes fun at Pitzer College president Laura Skandera Trombley -- and the school's decision to stop using the SAT -- in a piece today at National Review Online....
L.A.'s movie screen landscape looks to be changing, Carl Diorio reports in today's Variety. Mann proposes to build a five-screen, stadium-seating theater at the north end of Westwood Village, with...
The L.A. Times has created a new senior job, assistant managing editor for photography, and filled it with longtime Timeser Colin Crawford. Yesterday's memo follows:...
The L.A. Press Club and Reason magazine are teaming up to throw a book party for ABC co-anchor John Stossel and his latest, Give Me a Break: How I Exposed...
Tuesday, Jan. 20
On the front page of this week's L.A. Business Journal, Howard Fine chronicles Mayor Jim Hahn's differing takes on Gov. Schwarzenegger (free with registration): When it comes to his view...
LA.com, the city guide website being jointly produced by Gannett, Dean Singleton's MediaNews Group and Stephens Media Group, has a new blog up: LAComfidential. Most of the recent posts are...
Monday, Jan. 19
A couple of L.A. Times names showed up in a Washingon Post story Sunday about journalists who make political campaign contributions. The relevant passage: Los Angeles Times food writer Charles...
In yesterday's LAT Book Review, David L. Ulin considers the newest study of Los Angeles by Cal Arts professor Norman M. Klein, a novella and accompanying CD-ROM called Bleeding Through:...
Magazine and tabloid sales are off as much as 20% due to the southern California supermarket strike, says a Business story by Melinda Fulmer in today's L.A. Times. Market sales...
The other shoe falls: Just days after the La Opinión-Tribune divorce became final, the Tribune Co. discloses it will launch a daily Los Angeles edition of Hoy, the company's Spanish-langauge...
Some DN readers didn't get the paper today. Here's the explanation from the website home page: To our readers: Because of electrical problems at the Daily News' printing plant, today's...
Tad Friend's "Letter from California" for The New Yorker this week is about the L.A. River -- the line on the contents page reads, "Trying to rescue L.A.'s lost waterway."...
Sunday, Jan. 18
The Boston Globe's Ideas section (via Commonwealth Magazine) maps out the "10 regions of U.S. politics" and puts L.A. in a narrow, brown sliver that comprises the SoCal coast and...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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