Weekly archive
January 11 - January 17, 2004

Saturday, Jan. 17
Looks like a pretty good scoop by baseball writer Ross Newhan on the front page of the L.A. Times: Los Angeles developer and philanthropist Eli Broad has offered to buy...
Collins, the TV editor at Hollywood Reporter, returns to the L.A. Times as a television writer. He used to be a regular Times freelancer and worked for Inside.com. Collins also...
Friday, Jan. 16
US Weekly's follow-up cover story on Britney Spears' brief marriage carries 16 bylines. Discuss. (from NY Daily News)...
Oleander bushes are the latest Southern California plant infected by a scourge that seems imppssible to stop. If they all start dying, some parts of L.A. will look denuded. Lisa...
David L. Ulin has a new book coming in July on earthquake prediction -- and the op-ed in today's L.A. Times to prove it. Where were you on Jan. 17,...
Thursday, Jan. 15
The paper announces it will combine with New York's El Diario/La Prensa to establish a national chain of newspapers catering to Latino readers. Reports the L.A. Times, "the new company,...
For those who keep track of such things (you know who you are), L.A. Times Business Editor Rick Wartzman is shuffling some desk assignments. As of Monday, these moves kick...
La Opinión and the Tribune Co. formally broke off their relationship today, several months after it began publicly unraveling. The Lozano family, which owned 50% of the Spanish-language paper, has...
SaveDisney.com, the get-even website that Roy Disney and Stanley Gold launched last month after angrily leaving the company board, is already announcing a redesign. The goal is to have more...
Harry Shearer sits down for a Q-and-A with Dean Kuipers at CityBeat. It doesn't take long for the subject to turn to Harry's least favorite hometown paper. Q:What made you...
Kate Sullivan in the LA Weekly likes what is happening at 103.1 on the FM dial. I haven't listened to the new Indie 103, but a couple of e-mail correspondents...
KCBS Channel 2 is misleading the L.A. Times about the status of former anchor Gretchen Carr, says Ron Fineman. The paper reported the station claims Carr has been off the...
Today is the big sit-down between Maria Shriver and the head of NBC News over her future on the air, the LAT says. Tim Russert has spoken to both parties....
The Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood is getting a Red Box to go with the Blue Whale and that green thing next to it. Cesar Pelli, the master architect...
Wednesday, Jan. 14
Richard Horgan writes at FilmStew that Peter Biskind's new book, Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film, will be the talk of the parties at...
A couple of blogs mostly rooted in Los Angeles, Slate's Kausfiles and the Volokh Conspiracy, were finalists in the Blogger of the Year category of the first Opinion Awards given...
The Daily Trojan rounds up yesterday's gathering of journalists talking about celebrity coverage at the USC Annenberg School. Dean Baquet, Tim Rutten, Robert Scheer, Ed Asner and People's Cynthia Wang...
Best smirk-inducing line in today's LAT story on Leland Wong, a top City Hall fundraiser and all-around operator. Wong said he was unaware of a $100 limit on gifts to...
Lead story in the LaLaTimes (not to be confused with any other Times)....
It always used to be humbling, and a mite embarrassing, at the LAT when California groups wishing to make a statement would buy full-page ads in the New York Times....
Tuesday, Jan. 13
Bill Plaschke in the L.A. Times says the pending Dodgers sale to Boston developer Frank McCourt is looking more and more like a bad deal. This problem reaches all the...
Schwarzenegger adviser Mike Murphy, described by Television Week as a "hot-hot-hot Republican campaign strategist," has been hired as consulting producer for Dennis Miller's new show on CNBC. He says it...
Staff reporter Glenn Bunting's first-person cover piece in the L.A. Times Magazine on Sunday dinging the reputation of author and Sports Illustrated writer Frank Deford is prompting some pointed letters...
Alexander Proctor, the ex-con accused of threatening Times reporter Anita Busch over a story about actor Steven Seagal, was sentenced to 10 years on an unrelated drug-trafficking conviction. In the...
The L.A. Daily News got itself a new publisher and CEO Monday. Tracy Rafter had been a senior VP for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group, the chain of DN owner...
Local book deals from Publishers Lunch Former Time entertainment reporter Benjamin Nugent sells Elliott Smith and the Big Nothing, the life, career, and dramatic end of the late Silver Lake...
Monday, Jan. 12
Sorry, otherwise engaged. L.A. Observed will return Tuesday....
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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