The L.A. Business Journal, keeping up the pressure on the "pay to play" story about Hahn commisioners asking potential city contractors for campaign cash, reports this week that airport commission president (and top Hahn fundraiser) Ted Stein "took the lead in reviewing bids for some of the most lucrative airport contracts." The lead Business Journal piece (by Amanda Bronstad) is based on the comments of a former senior executive at the airport and a former commissioner.
In November the paper had reported accusations that Stein hit up at least two airport contractors for campaign money last year. Then last week, city controller Laura Chick asked DA Steve Cooley and the state Attorney General to look into possible prosecutions over unspecified activities she found while conducting an audit of airport contracts.
Meanwhile, the Times reports that the city council is taking steps to make sure that the awarding of cable TV franchises becomes even more political.