It's been a big week already for Los Angeles city controller Laura Chick. On Monday she made the news and the next day's papers by announcing an audit that found illegal activity in the awarding of city contracts at LAX. Yesterday she warned that the city must slash spending now or run out of cash, and appeared on KPCC with Kitty Felde (audio). Her audit is the subject of editorials today in the Times and the Daily News. The Times and the Breeze, meanwhile, quote Mayor Hahn denying there is a "pay to play" environment in the awarding of contracts at the airport.
Update: Chick will be a guest on "Which Way L.A." with Warren Olney on KCRW (89.9 FM) tonight at 7 p.m.
(Incidentally, KPCC has redesigned its website -- it's better and there's more online.)
edited 4:40 p.m.