Weekly archive
December 14 - December 20, 2003

Saturday, Dec. 20
Tim Rutten on the symbiotic relationship between CNN's Larry King and Michael Jackson lawyer Mark Geragos, in today's L.A. Times "Regarding Media" column: Take what occurred when Geragos went on...
L.A. Times science writer K.C. Cole goes embedded at Fermilab for a first-person Column One about the hunt for elusive sterile neutrinos. It's one of the hardest experiments in physics:...
The website Sports By Brooks says that during last night's Lakers game, Nicole Richie (the non-Hilton half of "The Simple Life" duo) was interviewed on Fox Sports Net and said...
Friday, Dec. 19
Fans of Sandra Tsing Loh know that she sometimes writes about the eccentricities of her Chinese-American scientist father. He used to hitchhike around L.A. -- maybe still does -- and...
John Ziegler will come to Los Angeles in January and work the 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. shift "live and local," as they say, reports LA Radio.com. Ziegler was recently...
In the midst of a piece praising his deceased former boss, columnist Rob Zaleski of the Madison (Wisconsin) Capital Times slams Los Angeles: In the fall of 1984, [he] rescued...
Berkeley Breathed replies to a Palos Verdes fifth-grade critic on the Kids Reading Room page at the back of today's L.A. Times Calendar section. Sarah, who was upset that Peanuts...
After the Chicago Tribune bought the Valley News and Green Sheet in 1975, Schmidt took over as publisher and began the shopper's transformation into the L.A. Daily News. He later...
Times columnist Steve Lopez tags along as a couple of unemployed Orange County Republicans try to crash Gov. Schwarzenegger's fundraising troll through the exclusive skybox level at Staples Center during...
Thursday, Dec. 18
Four months, 10,000 miles and many blog posts later, the Lonewacko blogging tour of America concludes. And he'd like some coin in his Amazon tip jar to show for it....
Sue Smethurst, the Aussie journalist strip-searched, handcuffed and deported at LAX last month when she showed up to interview Olivia Newton-John, adds some details for Steven Mikulan in the LA...
Variety editor Peter Bart is the lead item at Page Six today, due to Hollywood gossiping about who he's slyly dishing through the made-up characters in his new short-story collection,...
Paris Hilton and "The Simple Life" on Fox outdrew Diane Sawyer's primetime sitdown with President Bush Tuesday night. Paris stomped the Prez among 18- to 34-year-olds (22% to 7%), and...
It's been a busy, and fruitful, blog week at Joyrides Without Maps. Check out Joseph's short ode to Playa del Rey (as viewed from The Shack): "If you've been in...
Wednesday, Dec. 17
In a "Guest Comment" at National Review Online, Michelle Malkin way overreaches when she likens the Charlie LeDuff L.A. River miscue (posted about earlier today) to "another ugly Jayson Blair-like...
On the Romenesko letters page today, former L.A. journalist Jane Birnbaum refers to the legend of Victor Frisbee, a fictitious character who used to show up in Rose Parade stories...
Essie Mae Washington Williams, the retired Los Angeles teacher who revealed Strom Thurmond was her father, tells her story on today's LAT op-ed page. I am not bitter toward him....
It's been a big week already for Los Angeles city controller Laura Chick. On Monday she made the news and the next day's papers by announcing an audit that found...
That Charlie LeDuff piece in the NYT last week on kayaking the L.A. River was too familiar for Blake Gumprecht, author of the 1999 book The Los Angeles River: Its...
Tuesday, Dec. 16
The magazine was purchased for $55 million this afternoon by Bruce Wasserstein, chairman of investment bank Lazard, says AdAge.com. Emmis (Los Angeles magazine) and the Tribune Co. (L.A. Times) had...
Players on this year's L.A. Kings come from Canada, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Russia, France, Finland -- and a few are even from the U.S. Most live in Manhattan...
Steven Rosen writes on Indiewire today about L.A.'s place in the alternative cinema boom. To most people, a list of the top cities for the American alternative-cinema movement would include...
MSNBC gossip Jeannette Walls had an item in The Scoop yesterday dinging NYT Hollywood writer Sharon Waxman for using a quote from Harvey Weinstein without proper attribution. The Dec. 2...
Good rant by Michael Schneider at Franklin Avenue on the renaming of L.A.'s tallest skyscraper. He wonders if many people even knew its old name -- and wonders what that...
Monday, Dec. 15
The cover package of seven staff stories in this week's L.A. Business Journal explores the cash-based underground economy, with a mainbar by RiShawn Biddle. Capsules look at a day laborer,...
CityBeat media columnist (and blogger about L.A.) Cathy Seipp is taking on an added blog gig -- she will opine from the right once a month about New York Times...
Law professor Eugene Volokh uses the web traffic stats compiled by The Truth Laid Bear to argue that there is no solid evidence the blogosphere slants to the right politically....
In this month's Written By, the journal of the Writers Guild, Calle Khouri and Gary Ross talk with each other about the writing process, directing your own script and Ross'...
We are all Paris Hilton, writes Fortune senior editor Geoffrey Colvin. If average Americans of even 30 to 40 years ago could see us today, they'd think we were all...
The late Bill Farr was an L.A. Times reporter who became nationally known -- and an entry in First Amendment and journalism textbooks -- when he sat for 46 days...
A senior business officer at the USC Annenberg School for Communication misappropriated at least $100,000 before leaving the university last year, the campus Daily Trojan reports. Lisa Colleen Grabow used...
After our SaveDisney.com item last week, the site pressing the agenda of Roy E. Disney was deemed culturally Irrelevant -- but that didn't stop the New York Times from doing...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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