Weekly archive
December 7 - December 13, 2003

Saturday, Dec. 13
The L.A. Times sent staff architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff to Baghdad some time ago and the result is a four-part series beginning Sunday with two big installments: "A Crumbling Cultural...
Tim Rutten's media column today is another talker (his second this week). He opens with a swipe at what he calls the "nattering class" of self-proclaimed media critics so obsessed...
News items: Reuters, Dec. 9 -- "Maria Shriver said on Tuesday that she had returned to her job as a NBC News television reporter after taking leave while her husband...
Friday, Dec. 12
On the 5 o'clock news tonight, Channel 2 entertainment reporter David Sheehan read a report about Mick Jagger being knighted then told the audience that he was leaving the news...
I Want Media's online poll (with The Week magazine) to choose a Media Person of the Year isn't even complete yet and already rates a gossip mention on Page Six...
The mother and sisters of Dodger Stadium shooting victim Mark Antenorcruz left their thoughts yesterday at this post from September....
NYU's Jay Rosen, writing at his PressThink blog, takes issue with Tim Rutten's L.A. Times Wednesday column dinging the idea of the New York Times public editor. Editor John Carroll's...
Thursday, Dec. 11
Among the local journalists in Boston last weekend talking about narrative non-fiction were the LAT's Pulitzer winner (for Enrique's Journey) Sonia Nazario, her editor Rick Meyer, the NYT's Charlie LeDuff,...
In The New Yorker's "Talk of the Town" this week, Tad Friend reports on what ensued when the L.A. staff of the National Lampoon website -- Steve Brykman, Joe Oesterle,...
Not open on Sundays or nights any more, but still the best when it comes to L.A. pastrami. Richard Foss does the honors in CityBeat....
Richard Horgan writes at FilmStew that the Playboy Interview was once a cultural milestone, but today has become just another pit stop on the Hollywood PR circuit. And so, as...
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was a Los Angeles journalist before going into a life of Republican politics, and the Daily Breeze says that at age 56 he's about to become a...
Roy E. Disney and Stanley Gold have a new website: SaveDisney.com. (And while we're at it, Patterico's Pontifications has a new web address...adjust accordingly.)...
The LA Weekly 25th anniversary issue out today sounds like a keeper. The website revisits many past stories, and there is an interview with founder Jay Levin by Kristine McKenna....
Bob Hope never lived in Burbank, Glendale or Pasadena -- the cities that own Burbank Airport -- but they have renamed the airport for him anyway. The Times story says...
Wednesday, Dec. 10
Tim Rutten was not impressed by Daniel Okrent's introduction as "public editor" of the New York Times, or his reason for being there. Rutten writes in today's L.A. Times "Regarding...
Gov. Schwarzenegger, who used to say he wouldn't play the political fundraising game, has accepted $750,000 in contributions in recent weeks. Dan Weintraub at California Insider says "the money comes...
Slate's Jack Shafer read all 11,700 words of David Willman's report last Sunday in the L.A. Times on the influence of drug companies at the National Institutes of Health --...
The studios had the wrong target when they suspected critics and reviewers of pirating Hollywood films. They should have been watching the Hollywood cops. From the L.A. Times:Julie D. Nelson,...
Tuesday, Dec. 9
The once-pioneering JenniCam is closing down December 31 after seven years online, and Terry Teachout at ArtsJournal.com writes that Jenni Ringley deserves credit as the Milton Berle of the Web:...
Yesterday's memo from the New York Times obituary editor calling for more fact-checking rigor was followed up today by a directive from on high. Standards Editor Allan Siegal's missive is...
Indefatigable L.A. blogger Robert Garcia Tagorda ("Priorities and Frivolities") has changed his address. He's now the proud owner of www.tagorda.com. Check out his clean new design....
After Showtime ran the much-debated docudrama on the Reagans, the network followed it with a televised discussion among historians, biographers, and others. Today at 2:30 p.m., KCRW is re-running the...
Gov. Schwarzenegger has dropped his private probe into the groping charges against him, which Dan Weintraub says makes sense -- "nobody understood what the investigators would be looking for...and if...
Monday, Dec. 8
Following a spate of erroneous or premature obituaries in its pages, the New York Times editor in charge of obits gets tough. His memo sent earlier today: From: Chuck StrumSubject:...
The Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas, who is engaged in a nasty feud down there with the L.A. Times and the OC Weekly, is the subject of a cover piece...
From Don Barrett's members-only LARadio.com today:Who Goofed, I've Got to Know? KLSX runs the Howard Stern Show live from WXRK-New York beginning at 3 a.m. and then starts the show...
A segment tonight on "Life and Times" (KCET, 7 p.m.) revisits the issue of splitting Los Angeles into boroughs. Also, L.A Business Journal reporter David Greenberg talks about the grocery...
Variety.com has added more blogs since I last looked. The new ones are on porn's crossover to the mainstream and trends in the comic book world. The site's first two...
The city's political class was abuzz last week about former Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg acting more and more like he wants to run against fellow Democrat Jim Hahn. The election...
A story by Michael Cieply and James Bates in the L.A. Times details some of the payments and expensive gifts -- watches, motorcycles, overseas trips -- that stars demand to...
Charlie LeDuff of the New York Times tries to kayak the Los Angeles River and gets past downtown, only to be "discovered and expelled before reaching the ocean." The river...
Sunday, Dec. 7
Author, editor and Rotisserie Baseball co-founder Daniel Okrent wrote his introductory piece as public editor of the New York Times. They will appear every other week in the Sunday Week...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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