Weekly archive
November 9 - November 15, 2003

Saturday, Nov. 15
Next post when the Schwarzenegger clan gathers in Sacramento....
Friday, Nov. 14
Ben Stein revels in the cushy life where Hollywood meets Fox News Channel. His gig for E! Online website must be the easiest column in town....
Jim Evans blogged from his perch as managing editor of California Journal, but he's taking a job covering the business of government for the Sacramento Bee and sends word that...
At the center of the Bernard Weinraub-Luke Ford episode is a passage about private investigator Anthony Pellicano possibly robbing the grave of Mike Todd, who had been the husband of...
Jack Valenti "most likely will step down" in January as head of the MPAA and probably be replaced by Billy Tauzin, the Republican congressman from Louisiana, Jim Bates reports in...
Jay Rosen, the NYU journalism department chair who writes at Press Think, sounds disappointed and discouraged by L.A. Times managing editor Dean Baquet's remarks this week in New Orleans (see...
Thursday, Nov. 13
Yes, apparently. This twist in the Anthony Pellicano-wiretap story gets an airing by Jack Shafer at Slate, and on the ever-more irrepressible LukeFord.net. More background from Ford pal-confidante-adviser Cathy Seipp....
From the New York Times: Freak Storm Leaves Los Angeles Under a Foot of Hail...
The spoofy LALATimes, slogan "everything absurd under the sun," is looking for "a bone fide publisher and investors to guide and support it through its upcoming expansion," says a press...
L.A. Times managing editor Dean Baquet spoke this week at a gathering in his hometown of New Orleans and began to address the fallout over the paper's groping stories on...
Rip Rense says if he ran a newspaper he'd bring back typewriters and paper just to make the environs seem less bizarro. I had a tour of the San Francisco...
Bill Bradley notes in the LA Weekly that the Schwarzenegger administration "is shaping up so far to be less bipartisan than advertised, even though it will be more liberal than...
Wednesday, Nov. 12
Nikki Finke takes the contrarian, ho-hum view of the Pellicano wiretapping stories. The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and Variety et al. would have us believe in their...
The L.A. Times chose syndicated columnist Robert Scheer to review the Rick Bragg book on PFC Jessica Lynch, and he makes of it about what you'd expect of a guy...
While the MTA shutdown and the supermarket strike-lockout linger on, city attorney Rocky Delgadillo, council president Alex Padilla and councilman Jack Weiss are in Israel on a 10-day junket paid...
Emmis Communications, owner of Los Angeles magazine, is no longer a player in the bidding to buy New York, Keith J. Kelly reports in the NY Post. But Village Voice...
L.A. blogger Arthur Silber is shutting down because the lingering MTA strike here has pummeled his finances, despite his predicament getting some attention in the blogosphere. (Hat tip to Matt...
I'm late tuning in to the Hollywood wiretap story, but it has caught my interest. The federal investigation of prison-bound private investigator Anthony Pellicano and his clandestine work for entertainment...
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Burt Pines used to be the elected Los Angeles city attorney and most recently has been the judicial appointments secretary for Gray Davis, helping the governor choose which lawyers to...
Bruce Cook was the books editor of the L.A. Daily News from 1984-90 and had been a senior editor at Newsweek and books editor at USA Today. He died Sunday...
Odd little "Editorial Observer" piece by Brent Staples in yesterday's New York Times, pegged to Los Angeles and California. A correspondent writes that it was almost as if Staples, a...
A listener upset with KNX 1070's cancellation of the nightly Drama Hour has launched KNX Revolt!, hoping to put pressure on advertisers. Comments continue to come in at our original...
The book deals on Publishers Lunch this week include a sale by J. D. Lasica, a senior editor at USC's Online Journalism Review who blogs his musings on New Media....
Kevin Arnovitz, the Fray editor at Slate, writes a confessional piece admitting that he is a Clippers fan and ponied up $1,700 for a pair of upper-deck season tickets at...
Monday, Nov. 10
Margita Thompson, the press secretary for Dick Riordan's campaign for governor last year, is going to do the same job for the new Guv. She is a producer for CNN's...
Matt Welch clicks on LA.com, the new city guide beta site from Gannett and Dean Singleton's MediaNews Group, and finds it lacking. The team includes Lynda Keeler, a venture capital...
Ron White, a staff writer in the L.A. Times business section, was assigned to take a job as a replacement worker in the produce section at Ralphs. He didn't tell...
Sue Laris, publisher of the Downtown News, writes in today's issue that city officials have been bullying her and other publishers over newsracks and she urges a full-on fight....
L.A. cops will no longer get a membership pitch from the NRA along with their new Berettas. Patt Morrison writes in the L.A. Times that officers objected to the membership...
Professor emeritus Ralph Shaffer has been trying without success to get Times writers to stop referring to Los Angeles as a desert, climate-wise. Simply put, he says it rains too much for the coastal plain to qualify as a desert.
Sunday, Nov. 9
Jon Weisman, who blogs at Dodger Thoughts, points me to a surprising and pleasing L.A. history website: walteromalley.com. Walter O'Malley owned the Brooklyn Dodgers and brought major league baseball to...
The L.A. Central Library's Aloud program for this week: Wednesday, November 12, 7 p.m. NATHANIEL PHILBRICK "Sea of Glory: America’s Voyage of Discovery, the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842." National Book...
The two-month-old blog low culture catches New York Times film reviewer Elvis Mitchell adoring Zooey Deschanel...and again...and again. Now other NYT fanboys -- er, make that male reviewers -- are...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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