Weekly archive
November 2 - November 8, 2003

Saturday, Nov. 8
Joseph Mailander at Joyrides Without Maps could do without Virginia Postrel's free market philosophy, but it's her writings on style that really frost him:Ms. Postrel, in short, like most economic...
Ex-mayor Richard Riordan has shelved his Los Angeles Examiner project, semi-officially, while he prepares to assume the advisory post of state education secretary. Riordan himself doesn't comment, nor does Tim...
Journalists Mark Frauenfelder and Carla Sinclair and their two young daughters have returned to Los Angeles from Rarotonga in the South Pacific. Mark posts at bOINGbOING, which he co-founded: We'd...
Attention L.A. media party hosts -- in making your invite lists for the holidays, think twice about putting Slate's Mickey Kaus and the New York Times' Bernard Weinraub around the...
Friday, Nov. 7
National Journal's Wiliam Powers surveys the architectural reviews of Disney Hall and awards Herbert Muschamp of The New York Times the prize for "baroque exuberance verging into meaninglessness." His excerpt...
Brett Pulley in a Forbes magazine cover piece examines the Matrix franchise and says it has so far taken in $1.9 billion in gross revenue -- with the third film...
This week's New Yorker includes fiction from T. Coraghessan Boyle and a piece on the Los Angeles Iranian community by Tara Bahrampour, journalist and author of the memoir To See...
Thursday, Nov. 6
Tim and Nina Zagat respond in the L.A. Times to David Shaw's criticism last month of their restaurant guides. Say the Zagats: Ever since we started asking diners to rate...
The bookstore has sent email to customers saying it will reopen in Santa Monica today at 5 p.m., in the new location at 1450 2nd Street. Earlier post....
Eugene Volokh usually teaches law and posts to his blog at UCLA, but this semester he's in a strange and alien place far, far away. I've noticed that the trees...
At CalPundit, Kevin Drum and many of his commenters are horrified by an L.A. Times story today on the debate over the handling of evolution in Texas biology textbooks. The...
Cathy Seipp's media column in today's CityBeat visits with the L.A. Innuendo team, out with their second issue of what they call L.A.'s scrappiest satirical newsmonthly. "Well, it’s just the...
Reuters' Dan Whitcomb followed up on Tuesday's post about the L.A. Times halting use of the term "resistance fighters" to describe the attackers of U.S. troops in Iraq. LAT assistant...
Joan Kroc, widow of the McDonald's founder, left almost $200 million to National Public Radio. She listened to KPBS in San Diego before she died last month. "No one saw...
Mickey Kaus, self-described "Ward Connerlyite opponent of racial preferences," picks apart L.A. Times coverage of UC admissions practices and connects on some points. I actually don't understand the entire basis...
Cathy Seipp asks on her blog if the online registration at LATimes.com is the worst on the planet. That's a rhetorical question, because the answer, hands-down, is yes, as everyone...
Nikki Finke's LA Weekly column this week is about Rhonda Miller, who says she has yet to get an apology from Arnold Schwarzenegger or his aide, Sean Walsh, for spreading...
Chicago film critics are joining their L.A. counterparts in dropping the handing out of awards unless Jack Valenti allows reviewers to receive screeners, Variety reports. The Los Angeles Film Critics'...
Wednesday, Nov. 5
Mark Bowden's October cover story in The Atlantic, "The Dark Art of Interrogation" -- which explored the role of torture and other tactics in interrogation of suspected terrorists -- has...
Nancy Rommelmann discloses how she and Hillary Johnson became acquainted, hooked up with Buzz magazine and rented a Hollywood office together -- nicknamed the Super Vixens’ Dymaxion Lounge....
Robert Tagorda at Priorities and Frivolities recycles this quote from former Reagan speech writer Peggy Noonan. Did she have certain bloggers in mind? Beware the politically obsessed. They are often...
Tuesday, Nov. 4
After five days of testimony in the Scott Peterson prelim, lawyer blogs on the left (Talk Left) and the right (SoCalLawBlog) agree: so far they got nuthin' on him....
Courthouse News, the Pasadena-based legal website, has a blog by journalist Matthew Heller. His latest item is about a lawsuit against L.A. Focus magazine by community activist Najee Ali, who...
The L.A. Times will no longer refer to the attackers in Iraq as "resistance fighters." The word came down last night from assistant managing editor Melissa McCoy, keeper of the...
Catherine Hamm, the L.A. Times deputy travel editor since 1999, ascends to replace Leslie Ward effective immediately. Freelancers and travel industry flacks should revise their contact info. The memo follows....
Don Barrett at LA Radio.com says the response he's hearing to KNX dropping the Drama Hour "has been swift and mostly negative." He calls it "Post-Dramatic Shock Syndrome." Skeptical observers...
Blogger Lonewacko's tour across the country stops in Gallatin, TN, hometown of his idol Huell Howser. Some knew The Enthusiastic One, most didn't. Lonewacko says that the L.A. Cacophony Society...
The Downtown News' Jason Mandell has a feature this week on the designs for Disney Hall that were rejected -- as well as a look at Frank Gehry's original vision....
Nice interview at mediabistro with Nick Gillespie, editor of Reason. The libertarian magazine is nominally based in Los Angeles, but he is near Cincinnati. We're probably far and away the...
I hate to see anyone lose their jobs, but the decision by E! News Live to cut back to half an hour was overdue. Living in a household where the...
Favorite L.A. blurb from this week's Publishers Lunch round-up of fiction sales, but try not to picture it: Lynn Isenberg's MY LIFE UNCOVERED, likened to Mary Tyler Moore meets Boogie...
Monday, Nov. 3
A couple of liberal politics blogs, Joshua Marshall's Talking Points Memo and Atrios, are publicly pondering the pros, cons and blog ethics of taking candidate ads. Atrios already accepts them,...
Laura Chick -- she's the city controller in Los Angeles -- has hired veteran City Hall hand Miriam Jaffe for the new post of director of government and community affairs....
KNX 1070 has been airing nightly dramas for three decades, but the run ended Friday night with "War of the Worlds," LA Radio.com reports. The "all news" station is going...
Bill Rosendahl, a familiar figure in local politics who has hosted public affairs shows on Adelphia for 16 years, plans to step down this month and announce he is running...
Back in August I observed on journalist (and former LATimesman) Phil Garlington's self-exile to the remote desert. Sunday he made the S.F. Chronicle and today he's the lead item at...
Michael at Franklin Avenue compares and contrasts the fire coverage at KPCC, which has invested in a local news operation, with KCRW, which has gone in other directions. Warren Olney,...
He talks about Negro President: Jefferson and the Slave Power at LAPL's "Aloud at Central Library" program Tuesday night at 7 p.m. On Wednesday, Simon Winchester comes in to talk...
This is Arnold York's week in the L.A. Business Journal. The owner-publisher of the Malibu Times (with his wife Karen) is in the front page lead of an LABJ story...
Dan Weintraub's California Insider reported Sunday night that Richard Riordan will be appointed Gov. Schwarzenegger's secretary for child development and education, probably today. Given the anonymity of such posts in...
Sunday, Nov. 2
Rochelle Krich slips onto the L.A. Times Book Review bestseller list at #11 with Dream House, her novel of an "Orthodox Jewish true crime reporter [who] investigates vandalism, arson and...
The Seattle-based City Comforts blog -- "cities, architecture, the 'new urbanism,' real estate, historic preservation, urban design, land use law, landscape, transport etc etc from a mildly libertarian stance" --...
David Shaw and Andrew Sullivan both find Shattered Glass close enough to the truth -- uncomfortably so for Sullivan, a former editor of the depicted magazine. The beginnings of the...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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